Status: Finished :)

Count Me In

Chapter 1

One month since the start of term, and Alex was finally back at school. All he was doing was sitting in the corner of the classroom staring out the window. My mother knew his, so I knew exactly why he was feeling this way.
The girls were still crowding around him though. Not taking into consideration why he was so depressed. Usually he would have been casually flirting with them and showing them cheap magician tricks that only fools would believe. After what he had witnessed though, all he wanted to do was blank them out of his broken memory. Remove every last friendship from his black heart.
This was another thing that mum had told me though; Alex didn’t have very many friends. All of the boys thought he was a complete douche bag that stole everyone’s girlfriends, while the girls only used him because his face was one that could melt even Kylie Minogue.
I am speaking like I knew him so well back then, but the thing was I didn’t. All that I knew about him was from the rumours, and of course my mum.
You see, that was the year that Daniel… well you know. He was taking it a lot harder then anyone else in the family, seeing as he only blamed himself. I decided that this was my moment to finally introduce himself, because I was the only one that understood why he felt this way.
For awhile I had wanted to get to know him. Speak to him and finally get to know his true personality. However every time I did I was shoved away by some other obsessive fan girl that only wanted to see the face, instead of wanting to discover the person that lied behind it.
There was something different about me that day though. I sort of pushed myself to walk over there and speak to him. It’s probably because of how upset he looked. Never had I had seen him so distant before. He was most definitely hurting.
Slowly I walked towards him and pushed past the giggling gaggle of girls who were fluttering over him like restless butterflies. When one of them tried to pull me back, I turned and glared. Because I was the infamous child model, she cowered in fear and limped back towards her seat, as if I’d physically hurt her. Every other girl followed, because they were all shocked that I’d even come this far to talking to him.
You see, there were rumours going around that the two “most attractive” people in the school were dating, which we weren’t. Alex didn’t even know my name for heavens sake. At least I didn’t think so.
“Morning Lisa.” He greeted me with his casual English accent, usually enough to make any girl fall to their knees and tell him they loved him (ignore the pun!). Not me though, I wasn’t that pathetic.
“Hello Alex,” I stammered, “I’m sorry about what happened. My mum told me everything, and that’s all I wanted to say really.” Warily I stood in front of his desk awaiting a reply. I never got one.
Silently I sighed and turned away from the desk, about to make the worse mistake of my life, but before I could turn I heard a little croak from behind me.
“Don’t go.”
And I didn’t.
That’s how I met Alex Gaskarth.