Status: Finished :)

Count Me In

Chapter 3

Jack directed me to the school field and forced me to sit on the grass. Lovingly he wrapped his arms around me as he sat down behind me.
“Why oh why are you best friends with such an ass? He could have at least had the decency to tell those others to shut up. Moments like these make me wonder why all of these girls worship him like he’s some kind of God.” Gracefully he released his grip from me then proceeded to lying on the floor in front of me. “Tell me. What do you see in him?”
For a moment I stared into his eyes, wondering how to explain to him that Alex and I shared a unique relationship without making him feel that I have a crush on him. It was harder than I thought, because I did have feelings for Alex. Only not THOSE feelings.
“Where can I begin? Once you get to know Alex he is a good person, he makes me laugh at least 500 times in one hour. You two would get along so well if you gave him the chance,” I paused for a moment, waiting for a response. When I realised I wasn’t going to get one, I plucked up the courage to reveal Alex’s secret. “He can sing, you know.” Like I expected, this influenced a response from him. Not the one I intended though.
“You want me to believe that this inconsiderate jerk has a talent. He’s probably so vein that he recorded his voice, did some Westlife adjustments and played it back to himself.” Jack chucked at his own pathetic claims and expected laughter from me. I was not amused. He still didn’t realise I was being serious.
“Actually Jack, he has the most fantastic voice I have ever heard. Trust me; he can be your only chance at making it as big as Blink has.” When he heard this, Jack surrendered. He knew that I was right. Alex could sing, and I was determined to show him that.
“Arrg,” He groaned, “Ok I’ll try and make friends with Mr Gaskarth, but only until I can find a singer that I actually like. Not sure how Zack’s going to take this.” Arrogantly he yanked me off the ground and pulled me towards the dining room. He may have hated me then, but by god does he have a lot of grovelling to do now.

You may be wondering at this point why I became such good friends with Alex, due to the fact that he treated every girl like total Barbie dolls at school, but there was something different between us. He appreciated the fact that I wanted to talk to him before I began bowing at his feet. I was actually treated like a person by him.

As we approached him, Alex was surrounded by a crowd of girls; all fluttering their thick black eye lashes at him. He knew he had every girl wrapped around his fingers, and so did the rest of the school. The only person his eyes were on was Jack though, with a devilish grin filling his almost perfect face.
“Coming to apologise Jack? Don’t worry; I didn’t shag your girlfriend.” Although Alex didn’t know Jack, he sure knew how to push his buttons. Every single one of them.
“Alex… Don’t be such a douche. Jack actually wants to apologise and ask you something. DON’T you Jack?” It was my turn to pull Jack now. I thrust him towards the chair that was opposite Alex and took my place alongside him. Jack looked down in shame before he spoke his next words.
“I’m sorry,” came out as a whisper. Violently I nudged him when he refused to recite the rehearsed line we’d been planning five minutes earlier. “Um… I was wondering if you wanted to go to the movies with Lisa and I some time. You could bring one of your so called girlfriends if you’d like.” Despite the fact that most of this sentence was pure mumbling, I think Alex got what Jack was trying to say. A genuine smile spread across his face. Jack could even see the truth that was behind this unseen smile.
“Sure, I guess. Of course as along as that’s fine with you Lisa.” Immediately I nodded, happy that Alex had agreed to try. My plan was coming together perfectly.
As Alex pushed the tray away from his chest, Jack noticed something that made him smile as genuinely as Alex had done a second ago.
“Oh my God. Is that New Found Glory shirt?” Like a lost child, he was pointing at Alex’s shirt. When he finally calmed down he smirked at Alex, “and I thought you listened to Boy zone…”
Instantly I shot a deadly glance at Jack, but instead of getting a rant from Alex I got something completely different. He burst into laughter.
“And I thought you looked like a pineapple with your hairstyle. This just proves that everyone has their false perceptions of people.” For a moment I stared at Alex blankly, only when Jack started laughing I couldn’t help but join in.
This was the start of a beautiful relationship.