Status: Finito!

Hold On!


One of these days I’m gonna fly to where you are.

I’m gonna take a windy day and fly off.

I’ll grab that old umbrella with the duck on the handle and see you in a few days.

I’ll hang on tight as the wind takes me up.

I’ll squeeze my eyes shut and pray the clouds don’t turn gray, but the blue sky won’t change one bit.

Sometimes I’ll peek down at my feet swinging over green fields and desert dirt and rushing water and wiggle my toes to make sure it’s real.

I’ll travel halfway across the world and I’d do it again, my little umbrella and me.

I’ll be seeing you smiling soon enough; you’re just over the horizon, daydreaming in a windowsill.

I’ll show up, feet swinging with a grin, my umbrella knocking against your windowpane.

You won’t think it’s real, but the smile on your face says otherwise.

You’ll run down to open the door and I’ll drift down to the ground and we’ll be smiling and happy and together, just like the good old times.


I stand in my front yard, my hands stretched up and holding onto the duck handle of the old umbrella.

The sky is bright blue with wispy tufts of white smiling down on me.

I flash my teeth at the sun and brace myself.

A gust of wind comes and I take flight.
♠ ♠ ♠
:DDDD Welp, I decided to make something happy. I figured at first I would end it with the main character in the main hallway with her hand over the umbrella, looking out at the rain and figuring she would call the person instead. I decided to take a happier, more whimsical approach for the sake of the photo and getting away from what I usually do. :3 Hope you enjoyed it!