
Chapter 3

I wondered if she was always this angry and quick to judge or if it was just in light of what had recently happened, I thought to myself. I heard the bathroom lock click and the water turn on. One of the nurses came in to check on Cecilia.
"Where is she?" the nurse asked looking a bit panicked. I smiled at her and pointed to the bathroom.
"She's not supposed to get her stitches and bandages wet! Oh no!" she ran to the bathroom door and started knocking and yelling to open the door. Cecilia poked her head out and looked at her.
"What I had to pee" she said still not opening the door all the way. The nurse shut the door and let out a sigh of relief.
"Make sure she doesn't take a shower, wait, who are you?" she asked me.
"My name is Dr. Carson. I'm a psychiatrist I'm here to talk to Cecilia, it's going to take a while probably but feel free to come in and out as necessary" I said to her still smiling. She smiled back and left the room.

Cecilia emerged from the bathroom after about 5 minutes with her clothes on. Even with all her bruises and cut she looked beautiful, but I shouldn't think about that. She's a client and I'm about 15 years older than her anyway. She just looked at me and stood next to her bed arms crossed and lips pursed.
"Are you gonna leave any time soon or are you just gonna sit there and asses me" she asked making air quotes around asses. She had the most gorgeous hazel eyes and her brunette hair although matted was still shiny and healthy looking. Her eyes although they sparkled when the light caught them they still looked dead.
"I guess I can leave, but you can't just decide when you want to leave you aren't ready to go home yet" I said walking towards her. She backed away from me and shook her head.
"I'm not staying here anymore this place is like hell to me right now. I just want to go back home and stay there by myself for a bit" she said tears starting to well up in her eyes. I looked at her and studied her face. I saw past all the damage I saw a scared young woman who wasn't ready to face the world alone. I tried again to get closer to her.
"Stop trying to come near me. I don't need any help I've been living on my own for two years I think I can handle myself. Just leave me alone" she said backing away only to have hit the wall behind her.
"I know you don't want to listen to me but for right now you can't be on your own. Your mind just isn't going to play nice with you. You'll live in fear... at least let a friend stay with you for a while" I said walking towards her.
"NO!" she screamed and continued screaming I tried to get her to calm down but she just collapsed to the ground and screamed. Three nurses rushed in and looked at me then at her then back at me.
"Mr. Carson I think it's time for you to go" one of them said as the other two lifted Cecilia up and back on to the bed. She was trying not to cry but it was to no avail. The tears rushed down her face as she screamed. The nurse escorted me out of the room and another ran in past me with a shot in her hand. Then it was quiet. I closed my eyes for a minute and turned back to the room.
"May I come back tomorrow or maybe the next day? I'd like to see her before she leaves. If not me then another person from my office" I said to the nurse who had walked me out. She bit her lip and I could see her thinking about it.
"We'll see" was all she said. I walked down the hallway to the elevators and as the doors closed I realized I had a lot of work ahead of me.
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