
Chapter 4

"You're not ready to be sent home yet Cecilia!" my aunt argued with me. Her eyes were still red from the tears we both shared about an hour ago. She was my mom's sister and we were still hoping that she would be found, intact.
"I'm not staying here waiting for another visit from doctor dipshit" I said throwing my hand in the air.
"Cecilia that's enough" Susan said giving me a stern look. I just sighed and rolled my eyes. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked out the window.
"Maybe it would be best if you talked to someone about this" she started. I just shook my head. I didn't need to talk to anyone. What was there to talk about. Hey guess what your parents are dead and/or missing so I'm guessing you're feeling pretty sad let's talk about it. No why the fuck would I want to talk about it. I know what happened I don't want to relive it let's drop it. I was arguing with myself in my head. Stop it, I told myself, or they will admit you to the nut house.
"Cecilia all I want is for you to be as happy as you can after all this" Susan said the smile cutting its way across her face. I just pursed my lips and continued to stare out the window.

There was a knock at the door. It was one of the nurses, a old woman about 50. Blonde hair and short with glasses. She looked like someones grandma, I liked her.
"Cecilia we need to talk about care, now that your aunt is here I think it's a good time" she said in a sweet voice.
"What do you mean care?" Susan asked. The nurse pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it to Susan.
"We need to know where you're staying and who will be taking care of you while you recover. We've also scheduled your first appointment with Dr. Carson, it'll be next Thursday at 5 o'clock. Also we have to know who's name to put the medications under and who will be paying for them. You seem to have been living under your parents life insurance, so you'll have to sort that whole situation out as well" she said doing various things around the room including clean out my still healing bullet and knife wounds.
"Well I have a job and I live on my own. I can pay for all that stuff and I don't need anyone to take care of me I'm not a baby. My job offers life insurance so I'll just sign on for that. I'll take care of it. And you can cancel that appointment with Dr. Carson, I refuse to talk to him" I said as she finished up changing my gauze.
"I'm sorry but the appointment is not up for discussion you need to go to him. As far as the other stuff you can't just jump full force into all of this, you're only 20. This is a big step especially coming from something this traumatic" she said to me sternly. I suddenly didn't like her anymore.
"My husband and I will take care of everything. I've known her since she was a baby, and we have no kids so it'll be fine" my aunt said to the nurse and the two of them walked out into the hallway to discuss. My room phone rang and I picked it up.
"Yellow?" I asked sitting back down on the bed.
"Hi? Cecilia? This is Dr. Carson I..." I knew who it was before he even said his name. "Goodbye" I said and hung up the phone on him mid sentence. The phone rang again, I didn't answer. I let it ring until it was done then rolled over to face the window. It was night and the deep blue sky was sprinkled with very faint stars. The city lights shined bright against the night sky. I could see into the offices of one of the buildings next to me. I loved people watching and this office was hysterical. I had already seen two office hook ups and some cubical sabotage. It was a pretty nifty office building. My thoughts were interrupted by another nurse.
"Miss you have a call, a Dr. Carson. He says if you don't pick up the phone he'll come down here and stay until you talk to him" she said smiling. I groaned and picked up the phone.
"What? What could you possibly want?" I asked him annoyed.
"Just making sure you're coming to your appointment Thursday" he said. I could just see his stupid face grinning while he said this.
"Nope" I said to him twirling the telephone cord around my finger.
"Well then I'll just have to make a house visit" he said that grin probably getting wider and wider every time he spoke.
"Why are you such an ass?" I asked him, my finger turning purple from the cord. I unwrapped it slowly then started all over again.
"We can talk about it at your appointment" he said. That Cheshire cat smile must have been past his ears at this point. Those hazel eyes probably sparkling with joy from the sick amusement he was getting from this. I opened my mouth to protest but before I could get a word in he spoke again.
"Alright I'll see you at 5." There was a click and the line went dead. I was pissed. How could he hang up on me? That was my job, I was supposed to hang up on him. I wanted to call him back to get a final word in but I thought better of it. He probably would have tried to figure out why I called back.
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