Child of the Moon


It had been a year. Only a year, which was usually like a day to immortals, but to Accalia it felt like a lifetime. Maybe leaving the Cullens had been a mistake. Scratch that, leaving Edward had definitely been a mistake.

But there was no turning back. By now, Bella could be a vampire, they could be married, and with child. And Accalia knew she wouldn't be able to deal with that.

Forget about that, right now. Focus. she told herself as she crept from the shadows of the wood. In the outskirts of a burning town, Accalia found a few dying humans laying about. Lowering her weapon, she crept forward to the closest one, her ears bent back to hear anything she may not be able to see, and her tail swishing back and forth uncomfortably. For some reason, this case seemed to be putting her off ease more than usual.

The man she came upon was gurgling his own blood, his eyes almost unseeing. But once Accalia knelt next to him, he focused on her with wide, fearful eyes.

"Who has done this to you?" she asked softy.

"A trap!" he gurgled. "They -- they said you would come... come save us. You must -- go..."

Accalia stared at him curiously, his life fading before her. In a few moments, he would be in his transformation stage to a vampire. She would have to kill him then... but by the sounds of it, his creator wasn't going to keep him around either.

"Who?" she asked hurriedly, and the man's hand stirred beside him.

"A trap... you must... a trap... they said... said... a trap RUN!"

But Accalia had no time to run. In an instant the burly leech had pounced on her, and she was defenseless.

Instead of fighting her, the leech simply held her head back by her hair, forcing her to watch three figures approach from the wood she had just been hiding in. The one in the front grinned down at her wickedly.

"I do believe it's time for introductions. My name is Aro, and I am of the Volturi."

The wolf's ears pinned to her skull, and her oversized canines emerged from her dainty lips in a snarl.

"Felix?" Aro looked up meaningfully at the man holding Accalia before she felt a blow to the head, and her vision was starting to go black.

"If only you hadn't trusted your so called 'friends,' my dear Accalia, for one in particular has brought about your destruction..."

And with that, everything went black.
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Okay my dear lovelies! This is the beginning of the sequel that was requested a few times. I don't know when I'll be able to start it, but I just wanted to give ya'll a heads up! Don't forget about me!