Child of the Moon

Family and Pets

I sauntered down the stairs, my claws tapping against the wooden floor rhythmically. Rosalie was downstairs with Esme and Jasper. The seemed a bit surprised that Edward was back, but they were definitely starring when I came in.

“But- but it’s not a full moon!” Rosalie sputtered as if she hadn’t mentally prepared for a gasp! dog in her house.

“She turns on new moons too,” Edward informed her for me.

“So are you taking her out for a walk now?” she asked, obviously having regained her composure.

I curled my lips up at her as Esme turned around to face Rosalie. “Be nice to Accalia!” she snapped.

“I’m just kidding!” Rosalie shot me a stunning smile, but I could see in her eyes that she meant the exact opposite. I guess before now she had been able to deal with me being here by convincing herself that my other half didn’t exist.
“That sounds like Rose,” Edward said quietly.

“What was that?” Jasper said with a smirk, making Rosalie glare at him.

At that moment, to break the awkward silence that was sure to have happened otherwise, Alice came running in. She glanced around, and laid her eyes on me, a smile spreading on her face.

“I didn’t want to miss you changing!” she said excitedly.

I stay changed until the moon goes down, I thought to myself.

“Accalia says that she stays changed until the moon goes down,” Edward said for me, although I hadn’t meant for him to.

“Oh? Did you not want me to say anything?” he asked, directed to me.

No. I don’t care, I just wasn’t expecting it, I thought with a shrug. I could definitely get used to this, though. Edward just laughed.

“So am I your official translator now?” he asked with a chuckle, and I barked for yes.

Then Emmet came down the stairs.

“I thought I smelled a mutt!” he called in excitement. I turned and grinned at him with a growl, which he just laughed at.

I can’t be that un-intimidating…

“She takes offense to your laughing, Emmet,” Edward translated with a chuckle.

“Anyways, we need a nickname for you. Accalia takes to long to say…” Emmet said, musing.

Humph. What’s wrong with four syllables? I grumbled to myself. No need to say that out loud, Edward!

“Any suggestions?” he said instead, with a grin to me.

“Auck… Cal… E… Uh?” Emmet said ever-so-intelligently. Of curse Edward voiced my opinion, and in an instant Emmet was trying to pin me playfully.

A circle of the vampires gathered around us. Unfortunately, I lost. But not before giving Emmet a nice run for him money. It was only because I didn’t want to ruin their house…

Edward helped me up, and we joined everyone laughing. I loved having discovered that life could be so casual and carefree.

At that moment, I heard a low howl in the distance.

On instinct, I raised my head and howled back. In an instant, Edward was holding my jaw closed tight.

I twisted out of his grasp, and nipped his hand. I didn’t mean to, okay! No need to jump me…

Alice frowned. “But the Volturi probably heard you…” and then she got that distant look in her eye that told us she was seeing a vision.

“Actually, that was pretty genius. They’re thinking about leaving because they think that we just infected a wolf and decided to keep it as a pet…”

I growled out of irritation, but not in a mean way. It hadn’t been the first time I was called a pet. But it was the first time I had been called a pet in my wolf years.

So the creeps might be leaving… I guess that means I’ll be out of here soon, too.

Edward didn’t feel the need to voice my thoughts this time, but I did notice a few frown lines appear on his forehead, as well as a wistful look in his eyes. As soon as I had thought this and he registered it, he looked as straight and formal as Jasper did at school.
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Okaay, guys, I don't want to be whiny, but... I have 11 subscirbers but no comments? Come on, guys... Please? :D