And We Were Just Kids in Love

A magnificent, opulent, tremendous, stupendous, gargantuan, bedazzlement, a sensual ravishment. It will be: Love.

Love is la many splendid thing, love.. lifts us up where we belong, all you need is love!

We are discrete entities. We are all separate beings and in that sense, ultimately alone- incapable of permanently connecting to another as long as we exist in out bodies. Of course, our emotional bonds can transcend those constraints and connect us indelibly, but any physical manifestation of that love will always be flawed.

It's a peculiar phenomenon, love. It's everywhere and it seems like, nowadays, everyone claims they're in it. It's in every other piece of writing and recently, it's getting rather predictable. And still, it's something we all crave to read. It's familiar and it makes us feel safe, and for the few of us without it, it makes us feel loved.

These stories are about love, and all the different shapes and sizes it comes in.