And We Were Just Kids in Love

Sara & Justin

He took her hand and they rounded another corner. It was cold outside, but inside the mall it was perfect. Hardly anyone was there, it was ten minutes from closing, so they practically had the whole place to themselves.

They were walking past shops that already had their gates down and he leaned down to kiss her temple. She smiled and blushed a little, looking up from her shoes that she had been watching as they walked. She looked ahead and stopped in her tracks.

Justin looked at her questioningly. "Sara?"

She turned on her heel and pulled him back down the way they had come. "Sara where are we going?" He stopped and she was caught on his grip. She turned to him with panicking eyes.

"Not that way. Please, Justin. Let's go back. Let's.. go outside or something."
"What's up with you? Why can't we go-" He turned and stopped mid-sentence.

Walking towards them were Tony and two other guys. Tony was looking right at Justin and his friends were eyeing her down.

"Is that Tony?" Justin looked down at her and his voice turned serious.

She nodded and tried to pull him away, but again he stayed. "Oh, Justin. Please. Let's just go. I don't want trouble."
"No trouble. It'll be worse if we leave. Stay behind me, Sara."

She was scared. Scared of Tony, scared for Justin, frightened for her own life as well. Nobody else was around. Nobody could stop anything.

"Hello, Tony." Justin kept a stiff hand on Sara's as she stepped behind him.
"Hey, douchebag."
"It's Justin, actually. I remembered your name. It's the least you could do just to remember mine."
"I don't need to do shit for you, asshole." Tony took a step forward and challenged Justin with his tone.

"I guess not. How about you back off."
"How about you suck my-" Tong didn't get to finish before Justin hit him. He wasn't expecting it at all, and Tony flew back and handed hard on the tile. He looked up and snarled.

His two friends backed off and circled around to Sara. She pushed closer to Justin, but he lept forward to fight Tony.

The two guys grabbed one of her arms each and dragged her away from the fight. She screeched and kicked, but she was weak and it did no good. Justin and Tony were in their own world, attacking each other like savages.

They pulled her back and around the corner. She had stopped yelling and given up struggling. Her body was limp and they slammed her upright against a bare wall.

She shut her eyes and let tears stream down her face. Foreign hands were all over her; running up her shirt and through her hair.

"C'mon, baby. Open those pretty eyes for daddy." An ugly voice hissed into her ear and she opened her eyes slightly. "There we go."

She looked to the ceiling and let her body go numb.

She could hear grunts and punches from around the corner and she prayed for help. Suddenly it stopped and she heard Justin's worried voice. "Sara!?"

Her eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat. "Justin! Help-"

A sweaty hand was clapped over her mouth but she knew Justin was coming.

He rounded the corner and charged at the two guys. He hit one and he stumbled before sprinting down the hall and out of sight. The other one sneered before following him.

Justin turned to her and pulled her into his arms tightly. She sobbed into his shirt and felt his heart slow down to normal. He laced his fingers through her hair and cooed her silently.

"Are you okay?" She looked up and sniffled.

He nodded and kissed her forehead lightly. "Did they hurt you?"

She shook her head and he pulled her close again