Peppermint Drugs


Ryan’s entire body tenses up when he feels a pair of arms wrap around him, breath against the nape of his neck. The room smells like drugs and air freshener and peppermint. He always smells of peppermint.

The person behind him grips onto his arms too tight, kisses his neck too hard, bites with too much teeth. But the person also looks enough like his imagination, voice with just enough rasp that if Ryan doesn’t open his eyes he can keep pretending. He was always good at that, warping the colours around him from saccharine sweet to something dark enough to stifle. Maybe that’s why he left him, in the end.

Ryan leans back, curls his hand in soft hair and swallows down a moan as a hand goes to his dick. His voice doesn’t sound like his own, but it doesn’t matter because he prefers being lost.

“I miss you.”

The person who isn’t him grunts, doesn’t understand, doesn’t care.

“Drop your pants.”

So Ryan does.