Sequel: Listen To Your Heart
Status: Completed

Untangle Me


Jared arrived about 20 minutes later and we headed out. We had invited John but he said he had plans. We took Garrett’s car, which happened to be bright yellow.
“Do you guys have one of your CD’s in here? I’d love to here it.” I asked as we drove.
“Uh, yeah, I think I have a copy of Black and White in here somewhere.” Garrett said as he searched through his collection of albums when we stopped at a light. He picked one up and slipped it into the dash. He pressed a button and the car filled with music. I listened intently and pretended to not notice all the guys sneaking glances at me and trying to gauge my reaction. I got to hear about 5 songs before we arrived at the bowling alley. We went in and got our shoes and balls and went to our lane. We filled out our names on the computer and the game began.
“Looks like I’m up first.” I got up and picked up my ball. I turned around and faced the guys. “What do you say we make this game a little more interesting?” I asked.
“How so?” Jared raised his eyebrow.
I pursed my lips and thought for a moment. “Losers have to buy the winner lunch at McDonalds in their underwear.” I grinned.
“What! No way. I’m obviously gonna lose.” Pat whined.
“I’m in. I happen to be pretty good at bowling.” Garrett smirked.
“I’m better than you. I’m in too.” Jared said causing Pat to groan.
“Crap.” Pat mumbled.
“Wait. What if you lose Jamie? Are actually going to walk into McDonalds in your underwear?” Garrett questioned.
I smirked and just shrugged and turned around and walked over to the lane. I eyed the pins and threw the ball down the lane. I stood up straight and watched as the ball knocked down every pin. I grinned and turned around and skipped back over to my seat.
“Did I forget to mention that she’s really good?” Pat asked causing Garrett to smack him upside the head. I giggled and the game continued. Garrett and Jared were both pretty good, but I continued to keep the lead. And Pat, well, at least he was trying.
It came down to Garrett and me. If he could get two strikes in a row, he would just beat me. He went up and took a deep breath and threw a strike. I bit my lip as he went up for his bonus turn. He released the ball and it went down the lane in what felt like slow motion. As the ball approached the center pin it started to curve and just missed it, only knocking over 8 of the 10 pins. I jumped up and cheered as all the guys groaned.
“I’m suddenly very hungry.” I grinned.
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I've been writing A LOT lately. I'm on chapter 36. It's getting really good! :D