Set Fire to the Rain

Mama Bear

In the two years that Brittany and Jonathan had been together, Brittany had a learned a few things. The first being that, relationships were hard to maintain, dating a hockey player just made that even harder. The second that, dating a hockey player wasn’t what it was made to look like. Sure it had it’s perks, but it also had it’s ups and downs. Being away from the person you loved on a daily bases sometimes was hard and enough to put a stain on any good relationship.

Another thing that Brittany learned was that, as silly as it sounded, trust was always the best policy. A lie was something you could easily get caught up on and you needed to be honest to make things work. So it was something that Brittany tried her best to do everyday, no matter what.

Patience, couldn’t forget one of the most important things ever. Jonathan was always busy, whether it was with hockey, doing interviews, doing autograph signings there was no doubt about it, the young captain was always very busy.

Lately, Brittany had started seeing less, and less of Jonathan and normally see was okay with that. Like any good girlfriend she knew that Jonathan had to fulfill his duty as captain of the Chicago Blackhawks. But that didn’t mean that it didn’t bug the hell out of her that she couldn’t spend as much time with Jonathan like she was used to. It also didn't mean that Jonathan couldn't fulfill his duty as her boyfriend, right?

“You’re doing that thing again,” Came a very annoyed voice, startling Brittany and making her jump up just a little bit.

“Doing what thing Mo?” She asked, smoothing her silk p.j’s.

“That thing where you just randomly go into lala land, it’s weird,” Monique said, a frown on her face. “Is everything okay with you and Jonathan?”

For the first time, Brittany was hesitant to answer, instead of answering she just played with her hair. A nervous habit.

“Let’s not talk about me,” Brittany said quickly changing the subject making Monique raise her eyebrows. “Let’s talk about that baby you’re having.”

Monique smiled, playing a hand on her growing stomach. She was currently four months pregnant and she’d be lying if she said wasn’t nervous, but knowing that she had her two best friends, Brittany and Erin right by her side eased her nerves.

“I hope it’s a girl,” Brittany said, placing her hands on her best friends stomach, getting a groan from Monique in return.

“I hope it’s a boy,” Erin said moving Brittany's hands out the way so she to could feel the baby.

Having people constantly touch her belly was something new to her and at times she loved it and sometimes she hated people touching her. Though Monique had absolutely no complaints when her husband of just over a year placed his hands on her stomach, none at all.

“I’ll spoil the hell out of my little niece or nephew,” Brittany said, “I call getting the baby on the weekends.”

“Only if I get the baby Monday through Thursday,” Erin grinned.

"Deal!" Brittany said, giving Erin a high five.

“Whoa, whoa,” Monique frowned, standing up and playing her hands on her hips. “This is my baby, I’ll be keeping lil bear with mama bear 24/7.”

Erin giggled at the nickname she had picked out for the baby since Monique and her husband didn’t want to know the sex of their baby just yet.

“Right!” Brittany laughed winking at Erin. “At some point you’ll just have to realize that Auntie Erin and Auntie Brittany are going to steal that baby away from you and you won’t be able to do a damn thing about it.”

Monique sat down on the comfy couch, placing her feet on Brittany’s lap while Erin stoked her hair. “I’m glad I have such wonderful best friends in my life.” She whispered, a tiny grin on her face. “Even if ya’ll do annoy the fuck out of me.”

“We do no such thing!” Erin said as innocently she could.

“Yeah right!” Monique snorted.

Brittany laughed softly as she watched her two best friends play argue with each other. Looking down at Monique’s stomach she couldn’t help but sigh. She was happy for Monique, really happy for her. But she couldn’t help but be envious of her. She had the perfect life, a husband who cherished her, a beautiful home, a baby on the way.

Brittany sighed, wondering if she’d ever just have a tiny piece of what Monique had. Or even a tiny piece of what Erin had would be wonderful too. With the way things about been going lately, she couldn’t help but shake her head.

Unless things started to work out, she didn’t see herself getting to experience what her friends were experiencing and that made her sad.

“Popcorn?” Brittany asked, grabbing the bowl, “I need to get some more popcorn.” She said heading into the kitchen.

“Oh Britt, can you get me a yogurt and some olives? Please? I’m craving that so hard right now.” Monique asked, making Brittany and Erin both frown and make their best sick faces.

“If that’s what craving is like, then I never want to get pregnant,” Erin said folding her hands across her chest.

“Then you better tell Mr. Crosby to wrap it up!” Monique smirked making Brittany throw her head back with laughter and making Erin blush.

Monique always knew what to say.
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For my lovely sugah bunnie Brittany! I hoped you liked this and can ya'll guess who Monique's, err I mean my, husband is? Give you a hint, he plays for the Blackhawks. Whoever can guess it first gets a character in this story with the player of her choice! Go for it!

Anyways, I really do love this so far and I'd love to know what you guys are thinking of this! Comment please and let me know? <333