Status: Finished! Part two is out. Go and Read :)

Death to a Blonde

This is finally the end

Morning came and i didn't get out of bed. My mother came and i made it clear i wasn't to school. Her and my father went to work and left me alone to sit in my despair.

It wasn't their fault their daughter is so messed up so i couldn't blame them. I crumpled up the note i wrote about blaming them for my actions. I started over.

Mom and Dad.
It's not your fault that I'm doing this. Lately my life has been so crazy and i just can't take it anymore. Mom i'll always remember you telling me i can do whatever i want with the right attitude. Dad I'll always remember your tough love. The looks you showed me to tell me you were proud. I hope you keep your tough shell when you read this. I'm sorry but i had to do this. My heart is broken and my mind is not right and i can't take iy anymore


I started a new note for Matt.

I love you and always will but everything lately has blown me over the edge. Always remember me when your cheating on your next girlfriend. Don't forget Matt that i'll always keep you in my heart even if it burns in hell. And don't worry Matt I forgave and forget.