Status: Slowly Active

Colder Weather


What is love but the yearning of two souls to be together forever?
What is love but one person rising each day for the next?
What is love but remembrance and joy?
What is love but fondness and passion?
Love knows no bounds.
Love does not forget.
Absence does not clear love’s memory.
The heart wants what the heart wants, or so the saying goes.
And the heart will still yearn.
Though years have passed.
Though miles separate two hearts.
If it is real, if it is true, love remains.
And love can pull two forces back together.

Whether they wish it or not, two souls in true love will never forget each other.
They will always remember.
They will always be brought back together.
Even if they do not know it.
♠ ♠ ♠
My first attempt at a Dean fiction.
This was written for a friend.
I am a Sam fan.
(Help Me! She has a gun to my head and is forcing me to write this against my will! X]
Nah, I kid. She asked nicely.)