Sequel: Act of Kindness
Status: Completed- So go read the sequal!! Please! :)

Life Coach

Chapter 13

"Have a good trip. Don't forget to call me when you get there."

"Mom...I'm 22."

"I know but I still worry....I am your mother. When are you coming home?"

"I don't know mom. Haven't figured it out yet."

"Oh, okay then. Maybe you can bring her here now that we have a better idea of who she is...unlike last time." I just nodded and kissed her on the cheek. She and my sisters walked me out the door and waved as I climbed in and drove off.

When I first told my mom that I was going back to Syracuse she was surprised, "What's gotten into you?" she asked. I explained the story and all she did was smile, "This girl must be something. I can't wait to meet her again." I might have changed the story just a little saying that I asked Jon if he wanted to go instead of the other way. The last thing I need is more questions about Kara.

The three hour drive was boring by myself. Part of me was glad when I got to the Syracuse airport to pick up Jon. I plugged in Kara's address in the GPS and let it guide me to her place, "Do you know where the theatre is?" I asked.

"I was afraid to ask just in case she caught on."

"Maybe we can ask her mom. I met her the first time I was here."

"Hopefully she'll remember you." Jon joked.

"No one forget's Patrick Kane."

Arriving at Kara's place, I parked on the street. I glanced at the house as I walked up to the small porch. I didn't really pay attention last time. It was a nice house. Big enough for a small family. The red stood out from the other houses lining the street.

After waiting a few seconds for the door to open, we were greeted by Kara's mom, "Hi Mrs. Harrison. I'm Patrick,and this is Jon. We're friends of Kara."

"Oh yes, yes. I remember you. How could I forget that face? Come in, come in. What can I do for you two?"

"We wanted to surprise Kara at her show tonight." I said.

"How sweet. We were just about to leave. Would you boys like a ride?" We smiled and nodded. Mrs. Harrison introduced us to Kara's brother, Brenden. He wasn't like his sister in the personality or the looks. He was quiet the whole ride, barely speaking to his mother when she would ask a question.

Reaching the theatre, Jon and I bought our tickets which put us away from Kara's family. We sat down in our seats and opened up the little books they handed out. I skimmed through most of it, my eyes finding Kara's name next to a small biography about her previous shows and those she thanked. I did notice a few people mentioned Kara's name in their own bio's calling her a 'womderful friend' 'the best costume lady they had' and 'a light to the theatre world'.

This was Kara's world. Like mine was hockey. She might not have been the lead or the director but she sure makes an impact on everyone. She knows what it means to have to be dedicated and focus on it. This was her life.

I looked up from my booklet and saw the lights dimming, signaling the show was about to start.

I sat back and braced myself for 2 hours of Kara's world.

Kara's POV

Cheer's rang out back stage after the final bows. One show down...many more to go. But tonight, it was time to party.

I was picking up discarded costume pieces when Connie came up to me, "Your mom's here. She wants to see you." I nodded and made my way towards the side entrance where only family members and special guests came and went. I spotted my mom and my brother waiting for me, "You did a wonderful job Kara! Great as usual." My mom told me as she wrapped me in a hug.

"I wasn't even in the show."

"But without you, everyone would be naked." Brenden pointed out.

"True that."

"Oh, we came across from hitch hikers on the way. Said they knew you or something." Brendan said nodding his head behind him where Patrick and Jon stayed hidden.

"Oh my god! wWhat are you guys doing here?" I asked, excitement in my voice. I gave Jon a hug who gladly squeezed me back. Then I moved to Patrick, giving me a tight hug as we swayed back and forth.

"We wanted to surprise you. We knew how much this meant to you." Jon answered. Pat and I kept one of our arms around each other. I rested my head against his side and soaked in the fact that he was here...for me.

"Now you have to promise to go to a hockey game." Pat joked.

"No problem there," I laughed "I'm really happy you came. This is awesome. It defiantly made my night better. How long are you staying?" I asked.

"I've got to leave tomorrow for Chicago." Jon answered.

"I'm here as long as you'll have me." Pat said smiling tightening his arm around me.

"Then I guess we should have some fun, huh? After this there's a party. You guys are welcome to join." I suggested.

"I'm down to party." Pat said. I just rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Alright then. You guys can hang with me and I'll give you an all access tour with an awesome guide." the boys laughed.

Both fell into step with me, Jon on my left, Pat on my right, as I pointed out the different doors and sets. When we got to hall that leads downstairs, Dom spotted me, "Doctor! Doctor! We did it!" he cheered lifting me into the air and spinning me around. When he set me on my feet, he kissed my cheek, his lipstick layered lips leaving a mark.

"You did fantastic Dom, but I don't need to tell you that." I complimented.

"Thanks Doc. You coming tonight?"

"Of course! I even have some special guests. Jon, Pat, this is Dominic. He was Tony." I introduced the guys.

"Well looky here. Doctor has some friends outside the theatre. Who'd a thought? It's nice to meet you both. Sorry about the season." Jon and Pat said their thanks and congrats on a job well done. "I need to get out of this get up and head on over. Don't be late missy, I'll be looking for you."

"Is Nina going to be there?"

"Of course! It isn't a party without you and Nina together." Dom said before he left. I looked back at the boys, confusion on their faces.

"Nina is Dominic's girlfriend. Yeah, that boy," I said pointing to Dom's figure, "Is as straight as they come. He just likes to sing and dance. He's actually the only guy here that is into hockey like I am. A common love brought us together." I explained as we entered the costume closet.

Most of the dancers were changing out of their outfits and into their party clothes, "Shouldn't you warn them we're in here?" Jon whispered to me.

"They're use to it. Guys come walking in and out of here more then I do. Just don't stare."

I had them sit at the sewing table as the actors came to me with costume problems that needed some fixing before the next show. No one really noticed Pat and Jon just sitting there like bumps on a log, and if they did, no one said anything to me.

Most of the actors had finished and left to head to the party, leaving me with the final clean up; hanging up fallen costumes, throwing away trash, and double checking each actors costume slip to make sure everything was there. "Alright, everything's done. I just need to change and we can head out." I told them. The nodded and I went and changed into jeans and a nice top with some heeled boots. From the looks on the guys faces, they're weren't expecting my outfit, "What kind of party are we going too?" Pat asked as his and Jon's eyes scanned me head to toe.

"It's at a studio apartment of one of the actors. We made it a tradition to celebrate the opening night. Cast and crew goes. There's food, music, some drinking but that's restricted because we have a show tomorrow night. No drunkenness during a show. We'll talk about the show and then people will start bring up ideas for next year." I answered as I led them to my car. "It'll be fun. Trust me."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope it was alright.


Almost at 100 readers! Thanks to everyone that has stuck with me. I'm glad you're enjoying my story. I do promise I am going somewhere with this story line, I just need to plan it right. It will get better(hopefully) soon! Thanks again!

All my love<3