Status: Active <3

Forget About It

Dreading something never makes it any better.

I wiped the sleep away from my eyes and rolled over in my mess of blankets.
I kicked my feet free and set them on the cold hard wood floors of my tiny studio apartment in chicago. I walked over to my laptop, clicking it on quickly and then made my way to the bathroom. I then ran a brush through my brown hair and left it as is as I brushed the nasty sleep from my mouth. I grabbed a bottle of water and sat down with my laptop. I looked at the corner. 6 new e-mails.
I gingerly clicked the icon, breaking the seal on my water.
Spam. Facebook. Facebook.
My eyes laid on the e-mail that I had been dreading for the past few weeks, nerves flipped around inside of my abdomen as I clicked it open.

Ms. Abigail Warner,
I have reviewed the artist that you currently manage. On behalf of the entire Warped Tour family, I would like to offer Dear, Landon a slot onto the tour.
Accepting this, you and the artist agree to playing the entire tour.
Everything on this tour will be paid for. Hotel accomadations, gas, meals for you and the artists.
Please contact me with your thoughts on the deal.
Sincearly, Kevin Sanders, Booking Agent.

I froze exactly where I was. I picked up my cell phone and dialed my friend, Dear Landon's lead singer, Taylor.
"What the hell do you want right now, Abbie?" he groaned, his voice covered with sleep.
"aye." I chirpped. "drop the attitude. I have great news." the e-mail was still up on my screen, reminding me happily.
"What is it?" he sighed.
I smiled to myself. "welp, taylor. Dear, Landon is going to be on warped tour."
the line was silent for a moment.
"Shut the fuck up." he said. "are you kidding me!?"
"I can't get anymore legit right now." I nodded.
"oh my god." he said blankly. "this is the greatest thing ever."
"I know!" I chirpped.
"Have you called Justin and Ethan yet?" he asked.
"Nope. You do that." I said, clicking 'reply' on the computer screen. "I'm gonna be on the phone all day arranging stuff," I started typing out my new message. "I'll call you when I have everything figured out."
"Alright, thanks for making this happen, Abs." Taylor said.
"It's my job." I said, hanging up the phone.
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