Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Am I getting somewhere?


Chapter 1

Brian Haner, hearing his stage name, snapped out of his daze and turned toward his friend Zacky, who had been calling him. 

" Yeah man?"

Zacky chuckled, taking a swig of his beer. 

" You're so out of it. I've been calling you forever. What's got your wheels spinning now?"he asked. 

Brian shook his head, palming his face and stood up from his position on the couch,stretching. 

" Nothing. Just thinking. I'm gonna go out for a bit. Need anything?"

Zacky shook his head, tossing his empty beer bottle into the trash...and missing. 

" He shoots, and he fails," Brian smirked, grabbing his keys and phone. 

Zacky glared at him," Shut the fuck up Syn. "

Brian rolled his eyes at his friend and bandmate," Someone needs to get laid. " he muttered, walking out the door. 

Shutting the door behind him, Brian made the short walk down the driveway to his Expedition and got in, quickly revving the engine and pulling out of his friends driveway. 

After about ten minutes of driving around Huntington Beach, Brian finally decided to stop at Starbucks. 

He never made it to the door, because as he turned the corner to the entrance, he felt someone run into him and hot liquid spilled all down his white shirt. 

"Oh Jesus I am so sorry!!" a heavy southern accent rang out from in front of him. 

Brian looked down to see a petite little blonde picking up a now empty coffee cup from the ground. 

He groaned," It's fine. I was gonna go home and take a shower anyway," he wiped off the excess hot coffee from his body and wrung out his shirt. 

When the girl stood up, Brian found himself lost in a pair of big, blue eyes. 

" No. It's my fault. I was running from the-"

She was cut off by loud voices and camera flashes. 

"Oh Shit!" Brian swore, grabbing the girls hand and leading them down through a couple alley ways, away from the paparazzi. 

Once he finally stopped, he took a couple deep breaths to slow down his panting and looked back at the girl. 

Woman more like. 
Her wavy blonde hair fell just as her elbows, short pieces falling in her face. She had a higher forehead but it was okay.
The woman was curvy and tanned, and by the southern accent obviously not from around here. 

" Sorry about the-"
Both of the started at the same time. 
She laughed," You go first. "
He smirked,"sorry about the paparazzi, they follow me everywhere nowadays. "

She frowned, looking confused,"Why would they be after you? They were after me, that's why I ran into you"

Brian's smirk fell. 
What the hell?

"I'm famous. That's why. You mean you don't know who I am?"
Brian asked, floored. 

It had been a long time since he met someone not familiar with him or the rest of Avenged Sevenfold. 

She rose an eyebrow" No and by the looks of you, you wouldn't know who I am either. "

Brian scoffed, taking a step back and leaning against the wall in the alley, sounds of the city life being heard from behind them. 
" What do you mean by that?"

He watched her calculating blue eyes assess him. 

" Let me guess. Musician? Probably rock or metal. Something hard. You had calloused hands so I'm guessing guitar. You're a cocky bastard so I'd say you've been in the music business for a while. Am I getting somewhere?" 

He rose an eyebrow," Yeah. Kinda creepy. "

She smiled," Well I'm Megan. Most people call me Meg.  I'm
A musician too. A singer. "

He frowned. " I don't recognize you, sorry"

She shrugged, backing up a little," that's okay. "

He held out his hand," Brian. "

She shook his hand with a small smile. 

" Nice to meet ya Brian. I'll see ya around. "

She turned and started walking out to the street. 

" Hey! Wait!" Brian started to go after her, but stopped. 

She looked back." Goodbye!"

Brian watched her merge into the crowd and shook his head, clearing his thoughts. 

After a minute, he started walking again and went back to the Starbucks parking lot, getting in his car and driving away. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Tell me what ya think?
Keep or Kill?