Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere


Lindsay POV

I pushed open the screen door that led to the front porch. 
Sighing, I walked over to Meg where she stood, leaning against the railing, deep in thought. 

" It scared me, you know." I spoke. 

She turned her head to me, confused. " What?"

I nodded, standing beside her and leaning against the rail as well, following her gaze to where the ranch hands where riding, herding cattle. I saw Will sitting on top of a wooden fence. He saw me and smiled. 
I smiled back. 

Sooner or later I'd have to tell her about that too. 

" After Charlie left, and you went into that depression. I was afraid I was gonna loose you. " her eyes softened as my voice hitched," And then Jackson came around...and for a little while he seemed to make you happy again, fill that void Charlie left- and when things turned bad-" she flinched, moving her hand to cover her hip, where I knew her scar was," That fear came back. And all I could do was stand there and watch as my best friend fell apart. "

Meg took in a shaky breath, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug," I'm so sorry, Lins. I never realized it had affected you so much. "

I nodded, pulling away,not wanting her to see my teary eyes,"Now tell me, what's wrong?"

Megan bit her lip," I don't know what to do, Lindsay. "

I rose an eyebrow," Whaddya mean?"

" I'm so confused-my heart-is confused. Seeing Charlie again, brings me back to the time when everything was okay,'s this thing-Brian-I-"

I laughed," I know darlin', I've seen the way you two been lookin' at each otha'. "

She blushed, nodding," That's the problem. I've known these guys for only a week. A week, Lindsay! And already, this man-this MARRIED man, with jus' one look he makes me feel alive again. " she whispered, staring off into the distance. 

I lowered my eyes, knowing the feeling," Yeah...I know that feeling." 

I thought of Will and how amazing the last couple of weeks have been with him, but I knew it would never work. 

We're too different. 

" Let's go inside, yeah? Your parents will be home soon. "

Meg nodded, taking one last look around and the two of us walked back in. 


When I got back inside, I saw that it was goin on three. 

Where did the time go?

Lindsay turned down the hall to the bathroom.

" Meg!" Zack called from the kitchen. Food covered the counters. 

" I see yall helped yourselves." I smirked. 

He grinned, taking a bite of chicken. 

" Holy Fuck. This is the best BBQ I've ever had. Texas is officially my favorite state." Matt moaned, munching on some ribs, BBQ sauce covering his face and fingers. 

I laughed, hopping up and sitting on the counter. 

" Meg? This is you?" I heard Brian's voice from behind, sending shivers down my spine. 

I looked to see him holding a framed picture of me when I was ten, holding a handful of medals and a big trophy in the other. 

I had a missing tooth in this picture and I was standing next to my horse, Doc. 

I smiled, nodding," That was a good day for me. "

The guys came up to us, looking at the picture.

" I didn't know you rode," Jimmy said. 

I nodded," I used to barrel race as a kid. Was pretty good at it."

 " I'll say" Johnny muttered. 

" Pretty good? Darlin you were State Champ three years running. Don't be modest." Charlie said, startling me. 
Where had he been?
I looked at him and we shared a smile. 

" Sure was. You had more ribbons and medals than most riders twice your age." Lindsay said,turning the corner from the bathroom. 

I groaned," Do you hear everything?" 

The guys laughed as I pouted. 

" Well I'm sorry. It's just so easy to make fun of you!"

" Who are we making fun of?"
I heard Will come in the kitchen. 
He was wearing his black cowboy hat atop his blonde head, shirt off and wrapped around his neck, jeans, and boots. 

I noticed Lindsay looking at the ground. 
" Drink. Now." he muttered, sticking his head under the sink and turning on the faucet, drinking a few gulps of water before soaking his head. 

" I take it you're a bit over heated?" Brian said sarcastically, teasing. 

I stifled a laugh. 

Will rolled his eyes," You could say that"

He then turned to me," Mom called. She's on her way. Dad won't be home till later. He got stuck in Memphis for the memorial anniversary thing."

I nodded. 

" Memorial..Anniversary...thing?" Jimmy repeated. 

Charlie, Lindsay, Will and I all shared looks. 

" Oh just tell them, Megg" Charlie said with a smirk, drinking from his tea. 

Will nodded, sitting down on a a stool. 

" How do I put this?" I asked, turning to the guys. " Will and I- our grandparents, well they were kinda important. "I started. 

" What? Like famous rodeo people?" Zacky interrupted. I sighed.

" No. In the music industry. "

" So they were country singers?" Matt asked, slowly putting it together. 

" Kinda. " Will said, coming to the rescue," Just think about it guys. Our last name is Carter."
"We live in Texas"
" Both of us are musically talented!"

" Johnny Cash and June Carter." I finished. 

The room was silent, except for Charlie, who started humming 'Walk The Line'. 

I chuckled. 

" Damn. That's like music royalty. " Brian whistled. 

" Wait- then why isn't your last name Cash?" Johnny asked. 

I smiled. 
" My dad took my grandma's last name. At the time, having the last name Cash, well, that's just asking for trouble. "

He nodded. Brian wrapped an arm around me," Well boys, our girl's got music in her blood. Makes sense, right?" he said. 

I couldn't even pay attention enough to know what the other responses were, for my brain was so wrapped up in the fact that his skin was touching mine. 

Where his hand rested on my shoulder, sent sparks all the way down my arm. 

"-Fuck yes! What do you think, Meg? Will you do it?"

" What? Huh?" I snapped back. 

Lindsay sent me a knowing look. 

" we were thinking you could get on a horse and show off a little for us" Brian informed me. 

I shrugged," If you want,"

Charlie let out a snort,"Really? You'll get back on a horse? I tried to get you back on for years. And all they gotta do is ask, that's rich." he said sarcastically. 

I sighed," Not now, Charles. " I muttered, crossing my arms. 

The guys were staring now, but I didn't care. He went to open his mouth but was cut off by the sound of a huge truck coming down the driveway. 
I grinned, locking eyes with Will before running out the door. 

" Momma!" I yelled, running into the arms of the middle aged blonde woman who climbed out of the monster truck. 

" Ahh! my baby!" she yelled, wrapping her arms around me. 

I smiled harder than I had in months. 

" Hey momma!" Will called from the porch. 
My mother and I broke away to see that all the guys and a bouncy Lindsay had followed us outside. 

" Well now, suga' pie, you gonna introduce ya friends?" she asked coyly. 

I nodded, clearing my throat. "uhm, momma, these are my friends from California; That's Matt, the big one, Jimmy, the tall one...that short one's Johnny, Zacky's over there with the white shirt, and That's Brian, with the fedora. " I introduced. 

My momma gave a small grin. 
" well. I hope you like catfish, causing I'm frying a bunch for supper." 

She reached in the open door of the truck and started pulling out brown paper bags from Green's, the local supermarket.

" C'mon boys, y'all got arms, too." momma called, the guys one by one came over and grabbed bags, bringing them into the kitchen. 

When Brian came by, I felt his palm graze my ass, and then move to my lower back as he reached around me to grab the last bag. 

I blushed, biting my lip as I spun around. 

" Hey. " I said lamely. 
" Hello there" he smirked. 

I nodded, trying to move past him but he backed me up against the truck. 

I realized everyone was inside now, only Brian and I stood outside. 

I let out a shaky breath. " Can I help you?" I asked. 

His smirked dropped, then he pushed away from me, pulling back. " Unfortunately... no. Sorry. " he muttered. 

I placed a hand on his tattoo covered arm. 

" Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. 

He looked up at me, adjusting the bag in his arms. 

And then I saw it. 
The look in his eyes. 
His beautiful, dark chocolate eyes were clouded with Confusion, Desperation, softness...lust. 


Was it for me?
Was Brian maybe feeling the same way as me that had been tearing at my insides ever since we met?

" I'll be fine. " Brian said, turning and walking off into the house. 

I stood there for a moment, dazed, before gathering myself and finally going in.