Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Parking lots

Brian's  POV

It felt like a kick in the gut as I watched Meg walk away in tears. 

I sighed, leaning on the rail to the balcony, looking down at the traffic lights below in the darkness. 

I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

Do I stay with my wife, the woman I pledged myself to who's pregnant with my child, or do I leave Michelle for the woman who had slowly worked her way into my heart, making me feel things I never had before. 

Her smile, her eyes, the way she bit her full top lip when she was nervous, the way her long blonde hair fell in her eyes and the softness of her skin. 

Her soul. Megan was one of the most amazing people I have ever known. Her kindness knew no bounds yet she was determined and driven to do whatever she wanted. 

All these things I had grown to love. 

I finally gathered myself enough to go back inside the hotel room. 

I closed the doors behind me and sat down in a chair against the wall. 

Matt gave me a harsh look, raising his eyebrow and shaking his head. 

He looked between Megan and me and finally back to me, demanding with his eyes that I explain. 

I nodded and he stood up,"Well, sorry meg, but we got to go."

Jimmy lifted his head up from the pillows of the bed," We do?"

Johnny smacked his stomach and Jim shrieked. " Oh yeah. Right, c'mon, Zacky. Let's go adopt a giraffe!"

Megan looked confused but nodded," Okay? Well thank you so much guys. This really helped. " she said softly as we all got up to the door. 

As we exited my eyes locked with hers one last time before she quickly looked away. 

I shut the door behind me and was greeted with a fierce looking Matt. 

He crossed his arms once we got into the elevator," What have you done, Gates?"

I sighed, pushing the lobby button and watching the elevator doors close. 

"Whoa whoa whoa. What's going on?" Zacky interrupted, confused. 

I glared,"Nothing Vengeance, mind your own goddamn bus-"

"Brian fucked Megan" Johnny explained, cutting me off. 

I growled, "I. Did. Not. FUCK. Her." 

" Oh yeah. Right" he scoffed. 

Jimmy laughed,"Ha I knew it. Once you divorce Michelle you and meg can be together!!"

"SHUT UP, Jimmy!! You did WHAT, Gates?!" Matt roared, pinning me to the side of the elevator. 

The doors opened and he let me go, storming out with me hit on his trail, the others following. 

" It just happened, Matt. It's not like I planned it!"

He stopped in the parking lot, eyes wild as he turned to me. 

If looks could kill, I wouldn't be finishing this thought. 

" Don't fucking give me that shit Brian. I've seen you two together- how you stare at her. It was bound to happen sooner or later. What are you gonna tell Michelle, huh? She doesn't deserve this bullshit!!" he yelled. 

"Nothing! I'm not gonna do anything! Because going against what I want I just ended it with Megan. For good. My wife-" I choked on the word "-is pregnant. I'm gonna be a fucking dad." I spat out. 

It got really quiet. I felt jimmy place a hand in my shoulder and I shook it off. 

" Now I may not feel the same for Michelle as I once did, but I'm gonna be there for my damn kid. Now go ahead and preach some more, Shadz. You can't tell me anything I haven't told myself. "

I stopped and swallowed, looking down at the pavement beneath my feet before looking back up at my best friend and band mate. 

" I already hate myself" I whispered. 

Zacky and Johnny shared a look. 
Matt sighed. 

" Look man, I'm sorry. I didn't know. " he amended, clasping me on the shoulder. 

The five of us just stood there for a moment before jimmy ended the silence. 

" Well, Gates is gonna be a father. I think he deserve a drink. Vengeance is buying!!" he ran to the car and I let out a low chuckle as Zack cursed. 

Leave it to Jimmy.