Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Another Reason



I stared at the door for a long time after they left. 

And then I did the only thing a girl should do in this situation. 

I called my best friend. 

With each ring over the line, the truth of the matter sunk in even further. 

"H-Hello?" I heard a tired reply. 
I looked to the clock.
"Lins it's eight we're you seriously already asleep?" I asked incredulously of my night owl friend. 

She sighed,"Hey Meg. Yeah I've been kinda sick lately. It's made me tired. What's up?"

I bit my lip "Something happened,Lindsay. "

I could hear sheets ruffling in the background. 

"Ok,tell me. This sounds bad. Wait! Before you tell this info top secret?" she asked curiously. 

I sniffled,"yeah"

I could hear her clear her throat,"Well?" she asked. 

I took a deep breath,"I may or may not have...slept with Brian." I told her quietly. 

There was silence ,"Oh honey, is that it? I mean I knew from the beginning you two wer-"

"And his wife is pregnant" I finished, cutting her off. 

She huffed,"Oh. I see"

I nodded,feeling the tears burn my eyes,"I know. Lins I'm so stupid. I knew he wouldn't leave his wife for me but I still let myself fall for him. What's wrong with me?" I asked through sobs. 

"Megan! Meg calm down,ok? There is nothing wrong with you,sweetie. Nothing. You simply did what your heart told you to. Now it may or may not have turned out positive-"

I scoffed, rubbing my eyes. 

"-but yall had no control over the outcome!" she pleaded,"Look, I'm gonna get on the next plane out there tonight-no buts- and I'm gonna spend some time with you okay?"

I smiled,"I thought you were sick?"

" I am. " she agreed,"But you're my best friend. And you need me. I'll call you when I land alright?" 

I nodded,smiling still," yeah. Yeah. I'll be waiting. Thank you Lins. I love you. "

"Love you too Meg. Bye!" 

I hung up the phone and set it beside me on the rug where I lay. 

I was so stupid to believe he could ever want me. And now he has everything he'll ever need: Wife,baby,career. 

And I don't fit in the picture. 

>>>FFW 4 Hours>>>>>

I stood nervously in the airport, switching my weight back and fourth on my heels. 

I stood near the baggage claim as I waited for Lindsay's flight to unload. 

Fifteen minutes later, people started flooding out of the gates. 

Not being the tallest girl, I stood on my tippy toes to look over the crowd for the bright red hair I had come to love. 

But it was unnecessary for as the moment I gave up searching I heard a squeal and felt two arms wrap around me and I smelled her familiar fruity perfume. 

" hey Lindsay. Have a good flight?" I asked, pulling away from the brace. 

She nodded, grabbing her bags as they came around on the conveyor belt. 

I listened as she talked amiably on the way to the exit.
I grabbed a cab and soon we were off on the way to the suite. 
" Meg, there's another reason I came here. " she finally said as we pulled up to the Bellmonte. 

I rose an eyebrow curiously as I paid the cabbie, and a bellhop  took the bags up to the room. 

" well are you gonna tell me what it is?" I asked as I led her into through lobby and into the 
elevator, waving the Louis the desk clerk as we passed. 

She shook her head," I will later. Not now, okay?" she asked. 

I gave her a look, but nodded. 

The doors opened and I pulled the keys out of my bag, walking down the hall to my door. 

I unlocked it, letting Lindsay in before shutting the door behind me. 

" Nice place" Lindsay whistled. " I know. It's far more than I could have imagined having living back home. Pretty soon I'm gonna get me a house" 

I threw myself on the couch, pulling off my shoes as I laid down. 

Lins sat in the love seat opposite me. 

" So now what?"

I shrugged, opening my mouth to speak when the phone rang.