Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Prenatal Vitamins


Lindsay POV

I waited for Megan to get off the phone. Whoever it was must have been a friend. 

When she hung up, actually smiling, my heart sunk. 

How do you tell a person this?

"So, who was that?" I asked. 

She shook her head, laughing,"It was Jimmy. He called the wrong number. Evidently Johnny and I are right next to each other in his phone book. So what was it you were gonna tell me?"

Oh lord. Jesus. Here it goes. 

I cleared my throat, adjusting myself in the chair. I looked back up at Meg. 

" So..the week after you left for California, I started this, well I guess you could call it a relationship, it was really just sex, but he- I- I love him Meggy. I really do- but I messed up."

She leaned forward, switching into ''mommy mode" as I call it. 

" What's wrong Linds- what happened?"

I felt tears well up behind my eyes and I let loose a short sob, my shoulders shaking. 

She's gonna hate me. 

"I'm pregnant, Meg." I whispered. 

She gasped, shaking her head. 
" Are-Are you sure?" she stuttered. 

I nodded, whipping my face. I nodded. " I didn't know what to do. So I came to you meg. Do you hate me?" 

She smiled weakly, wide eyes,"How could I ever hate you sweetie?" she pulled me into a hug," Now you need to tell me who's it is, so I can go kill them. " she said slightly joking.
I shifted uncomfortably. 

I looked down, not wanting to see her reaction "Will" 

It got really quiet. 

" Will who?" she asked in a high pitched voice. 

I looked back up. " Your brother, Megan. It's your brother's. " 

I watched as her face went from shocked to angry to eerily calm. 

She stood up. 

" Meg? MEG! Where are you going?" I called after her as she walked away and out to the door. 

" I need some time. " she said, exiting the room and shutting the door behind her. 


I took in deep breaths as I walked quickly down the sidewalk. 

Breathe in. 
Breathe out. 
Just breathe. 

I pulled out my phone, dialing the first number that popped into mind. 

" Hellooo?" I heard his voice. 

" Jimmy? Can you come meet me somewhere?" I whispered. 

" Where are you?" he asked immediately. 

I looked around," The park. The bench by the big fountain."

" Ok. I'll be right there. " he hung up and I sat down, pulling my knees into my chest and just thinking. 

What the fuck is wrong with the world?

I have an affair with a married man. 

He leaves me for his pregnant wife. 

My brother and my best friend had an affair, now she's pregnant. 

And I can't even have children. 
Is this a sign or something?

I heard quick footsteps and felt arms wrap around me. 

" Megan? What's wrong buttercup?" he cooed. 

I looked up at his pretty blue eyes and crazy hair and just shook my head. 

" Everything. Can I bum a smoke?"

He gave me a weird look but nodded, pulling out a carton of Marlbro from his pocket and handing me a cigarette before lighting it for me. 

I took a long drag and breathed it out from my nostrils. 
" I didn't know you smoked." Jim said. 

I nodded," When I'm stressed yeah."

He rose an eyebrow," Whyd you call me out here, Meg? What happened?"

I chuckled lowly," Well. Let's begin from the top shall we? I'm in love with a married man with a pregnant wife. I can't have children. My brother and my best friend," I choked," had a little rendezvous and now Lindsay's pregnant. With my brothers kid. I don't know what's going on anymore, Jimbo. I don't know what to do."

He sucked in a deep breath "fuck. Damn." he winced. 

" Does your brother even know?"

I shrugged, taking another drag. 

He nodded. " Ok. Here's what you're gonna do. " he caught my attention. 

" You're gonna go to Walgreens and buy your friend some prenatal vitamins. You're gonna get her to call Will and tell him. You two spend the night watching movie and other girl shit. Then when I get home I'm gonna punch Brian in the face. Because I'm choosing to blame him for all this fucked up shit. And you can adopt. you would be a good mom. " 

I smiled through watery eyes. 
" Ok. But don't hit him. Please."

Jimmy rolled his eyes but nodded. " Now it's gonna be ok alright?" 

I nodded. 

We stood up and hugged. "Thank you Jim. 

He kissed my forehead. 
" Bye girl. I'll see you soon. Good luck with that album. "

I smiled, taking a step in the opposite direction. " you two!"

Lindsay POV

After about an hour, I heard a click and the door opened. 

Megan came in carrying two big bags from Walgreens. 

" Meg? Please don't hate me. I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happ-" she covered my mouth with her hand. 

" Shut up. "

She poured out the two bags. 

A bunch of white pill bottles and a mess load of DVDs fell out. 

" What is all this?" I asked. 

She picked up a bottle and handed it to me. 

Prenatal Vitamins

I hugged her really tight. 

" I love you so much Meggy. "

" I love you too Linds."

We pulled away. 

" You do realize you need to call Will, right?"