Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Can we talk?


Jimmy POV

Brian is an idiot. 

This is the thought I had as I walked back to Zackys from the park. 

When I got to Zackys and opened the door, I sighed. 

My chest had been hurting recently. It was my heart, something about it being abnormal. 

The doctors told me to take it easy. 
Well fuck them. I'll do what I want. 

Brian POV

I was still over at Zacks. Jimmy has disappeared a little while ago, and caught all of our attention when he bust through the door looking pissed and tired as fuck. 

He sighed and leaned against the door. 

" Hey Rev you okay?" I called from the couch. 
Z had gone into the kitchen to get more beers. 

Jimmy glared, walking strait up to me. I stood up, confused. 

"Jimmy man, what are you - FUCK!"

He fucking punched me! Right in the jaw!

Zacky came running into the room. " Jimmy man what the hell?!?! Bro you okay?"

I groaned from where I lay on the couch, holding my jaw. 

" You are a real dick, Brian. " 
He said, sitting in the chair, grabbing a beer from Zacky and chugging it down. 

Vengeance and I shared a look, and he shrugged. 

The fuck is wrong with him?

And then Matt decided to show up. 

The door slammed behind him. 
He assessed the room with wide, angry eyes. 

" WHAT THE FUCKING HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!" he roared, stepping from the foyer into the den," I get a call from Val about some supposed disaster at the studio. I call Larry, he says there's no problem, don't know what I'm talking bout. So I come here and Rev looks pissed, Brian looks like he got punched, and Z, man, you look just as confused as i do. Who wants to explain. "

" There was no emergency. Syn made it up. " Jimmy droned, swigging his beer,"Didn't want to deal with Michelle and the baby shit so he tricked and ditched. I got a call from Meg-"

This caught my attention, I sat up, still clutching my jaw

" She was all freaked the fuck out. Her friend- the red head? Her bro knocked her up and shit. She had a little break down. Brian, man, you're an ass. A real dick. Can't believe you used Meg like that. " jimmy finished. 

Matt sighed," But is she gonna be ok?" 

Jim nodded. 

Shadz smirked," Bet your like sucks right now, huh, Syn?"

I gritted my teeth. " Fuck you, Shadz. "

Zack finally spoke up ," Hey, where's Johnny?"

Matt say down in a chair," He's doin stuff with Lacey. But the real question is, what are you gonna do Syn? How are you gonna fix this?"

I pursed my lips," I gotta go talk to Meg. "



Lindsay and I were chilling, watching movies. 

" We haven't done this in a long time, I've missed you, Meg." Lindsay said. 

I grinned, hugging her. " I've missed you too. "

She laughed and leaned back rubbing her still-flat stomach. 

" Hey peanut. " she whispered sadly. 

I rose an eyebrow, handing her the phone. 

She groaned. " Meeeggggg! Right now?"

I nodded,"Sooner the better. I know my brother. He's gonna flip anyway. But he'll be there for you, babe. And if not, I'll kick his ass."

She grimaced, dialing. 
I watched her hold the phone up to her ear and then she froze, eyes wide. 

" H- Hey Will. It's uh, Lindsay. "

Our eyes met and she looked down. " No! No. I'm staying with Meg in Cali."
" Uhm, not so good actually. I think I need to tell ya somethin. Ya sittin down?"

There was a pause. 
" There's no easy way to say this. " she sighed. " Let's just get it over with. I'm pregnant. "

There was a very long, quiet pause. " W-Will?" she asked, her voice sounding small. 
I wrapped my arms around my best friend. 

And then I heard it. Quite clearly. " WHAT?!?!"

We both winced. 
" Yeah. Look, I dunno how- wait, no, we both know how, but, it did. I am. "

Her eyes looked a little teary and she smiled,"Yeah?" she laughed. " Uhmm...about two months. Yeah. One time does it."

I could see the situation was handled, and as i got up to leave the room, there was a knock on the door. 

I looked to Lindsay, who was laughing, rubbing her belly 

Sighing I walked to the suite door, flinging it open.
" Wha- Brian?"
I asked confused, seeing him leaning against the wall, a bruise covering his right cheek. 

I winced," I told him not to. "

Brian sighed, running a hand through his gelled hair, " Can we talk?"

I gave Lindsay one last look, grabbing my coat and shutting the door behind me. 
♠ ♠ ♠
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