Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Ms. DeeDee


Beep Beep. 

I groaned rolling over, and hid my head under the covers. 

Beep. Beep. 

I whimpered. No. Not yet! I don't want to get up!

" Meg, answer your fucking phone" Linds muttered from next to me. 

Because the room was only one bed, we had to share, but it didn't bother us. 

Ever since we were little, we would have sleepovers and share a bed, staying up late talking and laughing. 

I grunted, sticking my hand out from the blankets to grab my phone off the table.  

I peeked open one eye slowly. 

2 New text messages:

I smiled slightly. 

Opening up my phone, I read them. 

11-20-09 8:34am
Hey beautiful, you up?

11-20-09 8:37 am
Call me when you get up. I wanna take you somewhere. 

I pulled myself out of bed, dragging my feet on the carpet all the way to the balcony, grabbing my pack of Marlbro and a lighter on the way out. 

I say down outside at the table, feet propped up and lit a bud as I dialed his number. 

" Hey Beautiful!" he answered.
I smiled. 
" Hey babe" I croaked out. 
My voice always sounds horrible in the morning. 

" You okay? You sound sick..." he asked worriedly. 

I chuckled, taking a long drag. 

" Ha. No. I just woke up. Haven't had my coffee yet. "

" Well then," he started," How about you get yourself dressed and I'll take you out for some breakfast? I have a whole day planned. "

I rose an eyebrow. " Oh really? And where's Michelle going to be all day?"

He sighed, knowing I still wasn't comfortable with the idea of what we were; going behind her back, cheaters, an Affair, the mistress

" Val and Leana- Jimmy's girl- took her for a weekend at the can I pick you up?"

I bit my lip, stubbing my bud in the ash tray. 

" Yeah. Gimme thirty minutes. Call when ya close, ight?"

He chuckled. It gave me chills. 

Goddamn, this man turns me on even over the phone!

" Ight" he teased, throwing in a southern accent to match mine," See you soon. Oh! Wear something comfy!" 

He hung up. I stared at the phone confused. 


I walked back in and shook Lindsay awake. 

" Whaaaa??" she whined. 

" Hey. I'm going out with Brian in a few, okay? Will you be fine by yourself?"

She nodded, smiling lazily,"Yep. Have fun, hoe."

I grinned," Shut up, slut"
I ran into the bathroom, turning on the shower. 


" So, where are we going again?" I asked Bri as we walked hand in hand down the street. 

He looked down at me," It's a place called Mickey's. It's a diner the guys and I used to chill at in highschool. Haven't been back in years. " 

I smiled at the thought. 

Here he was, taking me to a place special to him. 
A place he didn't bother to bring his wife.
Take that, bitch. 

Soon we turned the corner onto Elwood st., and there sat a homey ( albeit old) diner. The faded red letters " Mickeys" over the door. Cars were parked in the lot, and through the big windows, you could see people inside. 

Brian grinned, pulling me to the door, " C'mon!" he yelled, like a little kid. 

We walked inside and a bell rang over the door. 

The place wasn't that big, but the cheery atmosphere and laughter made it wonderful. 

Brian found an empty booth and we went over an claimed it quickly, sitting down. 

For a few minutes we scanned the menu, well I did. Brian didn't even look at it. 

" Aren't ya goin to look at the menu?" I asked confused. 

He grinned at me," Megan, sweetie, I know the menu by heart"

He looked around and my heart skipped a beat. 

Seeing him like this, completely in bliss in a familiar, cherishes place, it really was something special to witness. 

" Well Oh My God!! Is that Lil Brian Jr!" a heavy southern female voiced called. 

We both looked over to see an older woman, probably in her late sixties, wearing a waitress uniform. 

Her silver- blonde hair was up in curls, and big silver hoop in her ears. 

Bri's eyes widened. " Ms. DeeDee! How are you?" he got up and gave her a gentle hug. 

She smiled warmly. " I'm wonderful! And how about you! Look at ya, boy! All grown up and even more handsome! And it's this your girl? Why she's so pretty!"

I blushed. Brian grinned, holding his hand out for me. I took it and stood up, walking towards them. 

I wrapped my arm around his waist, holding out the other hand. 

" Hi, I'm Megan. " I told her. 

Ms. DeeDee grinned, bypassing the hand and going strait for a hug. 

" Why, sweetie! I know that drawl anywhere! Are you from Texas?" 

I nodded with a big smile. " Yes M'am!"

Ms. DeeDee looked to Brian mischievously. 

" I always told you what you needed was a good southern girl! And lookie, you listened. "

We laughed, sitting back down. 

" Now, what can I get y'all?" she asked. 
Her drawl was so comforting, setting the home-sick part of me at ease. 

" I'll have the sausage and egg breakfast...with gravy and biscuits. " I ordered. She chuckled, writing it down. 

Before Brian could open his mouth, she wrote down something else," No, boy. I may be old, but I still remember your usual. I'll be right back with those. Coffee?" she asked. 

I nodded quickly, holding out my cup as she poured our drinks. 

As she walked away I grinned, fixing my coffee. 

" I like her" I said. 
Brian smiled, reaching across the table to hold my hand. 
" Well that's good. Ms. DeeDee is like a second mom to me, to all of us really. She was a strong supporter when we were just getting started. She really believed in us. We'd come here everyday after school to eat or just relax. I had some of my best memories here" he said fondly. 

I rubbed my thumb on the back of his hand. 

" Thank you. " I whispered. 

His eyebrows furrowed," For what?"

" For bringing me here. It means a lot to me"

He grinned, leaning across the table to give me a kiss. 

" I love you"

" I love you too" I replied. 
♠ ♠ ♠
I love this chapter:)