Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

A call from Will


" Meg. I'm worried about you. Really. This isn't right. " Will preached over the phone. 

I rolled my eyes," I'm fine. We're fine. Really. "

" He won't leave his wife for you" my brother said suddenly. 

I took in a shaky breath. 
" I know." I whispered." But I love him Will. I love him so much it hurts. "

I could picture my brother closing his eyes, running a hand through his messy blonde hair, nostrils flared. 

" When this all caves in, I'm going to be the first one to say 'i told you so' alright? He may love you, and perhaps he will leave his wife and child, but of he can cheat on someone he made a vow to, who's to say he won't do it to you?" 

I tried to hold back my tears. "Who are you to preach, William? You knocked up Linds. And she's here with me, because she was afraid of you. And what you'd do. Why don't you man up and come take care of her? You're a coward too. " 

I hung up and threw my phone onto the bed. 

" Meg?" I heard his voice ask. 

I turned to see Brian in the doorway of the hotel room, beer in hand. 

I smiled, wiping away the stray tears from my cheeks. 

He frowned, setting the beer down, " Hey hey hey, what's wrong babe? Who was that on the phone?" 

Bran wrapped his bulky arms around me. I rested my head on his chest, sighing. 

" Will. He doesn't approve of you. Of us. He hates it. " 

Brian kissed the top of my head. " well, forget him. It doesn't matter what he thinks. I love you and you love me. That's all that matters. Now," he pulled away," Kiss me"

I smiled slowly, reached up on my tippy toes to press my lips against his. 

He grinned, lifting me up in his arms, tossing me on the bed. 

I laughed. 
Brian crawled on top of me, kissing my collar bone as I ran my fingers through his hair. 

His teeth sunk into the tender spot beneath my ear and I moaned. 

He chuckled, attaching our lips with a soft, loving tenderness. 

I reached my fingers to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head with his help 

I groaned, running my hands up and down his chest, tracing the designs and colors. 

" Megan " Brian whispered. 
I looked up to see his dark eyes sparkling, full of passion. 

" Yes?"I whispered. 

" Let me make love to you" he said softly, kissing my fingers, holding my hands in his. 

I looked up to him with all the love I could muster, and nodded. 

He grinned, licking his lips. 

I felt his hand reach down and slip under my shirt, thumb rubbing circles on my side as our lips slowly met, dancing gently but with a burning passion. Our tongues met and caressed each other, much like 
his hand did right now. 

The shirt was pulled over my head, and thrown to the corner. 

The dim lighting added to the mood as  Brian kissed his way down my throat to the dip between my breasts, covered by my bra. 

" I hate bras" Brian mumbled against my skin, tickling me and making me giggle as he reached a hand behind me to unhook the fasten, the bra falling off my body. 

Brian grinned and rose an eyebrow, smirking. 

" You have beautiful tits, m'dear" 

I blushed, running a hand through his hair, " Bri? As much as that's nice to hear, I'd rather you do other things with your mouth besides speak" I told him. 

We both laughed, but mine was cut off by his teeth tugging on my nipple. 

I groaned, pulling at his hair. My nails raked down the back of his neck, scratching. 

Lips trailed down my body, a tongue dipping in my navel, making me shiver, and a trail of kisses left at the top of my jeans. 

I moaned," Brian, please!"

He complied, unzipping my jeans and pulling the tight jeans off my legs. 

I was left in just my simple blue boy shorts. 

Brian threw off his jeans and boxers at the same time, completely stripping himself naked, much to my pleasure.

And then suddenly my knees were spread, His head disappearing. 

" Brian what are you- Oh! Oh..."
I moaned as his tongue dipped inside the folds of my core, shocking the hell out of me. 

I had never had oral. 

Brian flicked his tongue once more before I grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling him up the bed toward me. 

Our lips met and I could taste something salty on his lips. 

" A guy never went down on you before?" he asked, shocked. 

I shook my head," Jack never did. "

Brian looked up to the ceiling before down at me," I'm gonna rock your world next time" 

I smiled shyly. 
" Brian?" 
" What?" he mumbled against my breast. 
" When are ya gonna screw me?"

His head snapped up, wide eyed. 

And the only answer was a sharp snap of his hips, thrusting into me. 

I moaned, wrapping my legs around his hips. 

He thruster slowly, achingly, slowly speeding up but not going fast. 

We wanted to make this last. 
To take time to worship each others bodies. 

And when I finally came it was soaring, flying high up in the air after a sharp kick, then slowly drifting down. 

And trying desperately to hold on, but it was useless. 

I had fallen for Brian a long time ago. And there was no going back. 
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's been so long!