Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

Best For All Of Us

Michelle's POV

Val and I sat on the floor of the nursery, looking around at our new paint job. Brian and i decided to leave the sex of the baby a surprise, so the walls were painted a sort yellow, and the theme of the room would be Safari. I had contacted an artist in the district to paint a safari mural on one of the walls.

It would be perfect.

All of the sudden, my cell phone rang. Groaning, i pulled it out of my jacket pocket.
Frowning, i turned to Val.
" Is there a reason your husband is calling me?" i asked her, amusedly.
Sometimes Matt likes to aggravate me when he couldn't get in touch with me.

She shrugged, rolling the paint roller up the wall, spreading the pale yellow over the primer.

i answered,' Yes, Matthew?"

There was a pause,' Michelle?"he asked hesitantly.
i frowned,' Yeah? who else. Is everything okay?"

Val stopped painting, looking at me curiously.

Matt cleared his throat," No. Not, Well, Yes. Are you sitting down? I need to tell you something."

My heart started beating faster," Matthew Charles, what's going on? Is Bri okay? Did he get hurt?" i panicked, moving to sit down in the rocking chair in the corner that was covered in plastic.

Val's eyes widened and she set the roller down, moving to kneel beside me.
" Chelle? What's going on?" she whispered. I shook my head at her.

" Uhm, this isn't easy," Matt began, i could hear him take a shaky breath," Look, michelle, you're my sister now. And even though Brian is my best friend, i can't hide this any longer...."

I felt tears well up in my eyes. What was he trying to say?

After a long pause i whispered," Matt?"

" Brian'sbeencheatingonyou" he spat out quickly in one rush.

i gasped,' What? What did you just say?"
no. he didn't. i heard that wrong.

" Brian....he's been cheating on you. For a couple months now. He made me promise not to tell you, but, I can't."

At this point i started crying, griping my swollen stomach, trying to calm the movements of my unborn child.

" Do-Do y-you know w-who?" i sobbed. I felt my sister wrap her arms around me." Who is s-she?" i begged.

He sighed," Fuck!" i heard him curse," I-I can't tell you that."

I cried,' Please, Matt. I need to know. I deserve to know. W-who is she?"

I waited.
And waited.

" Megan."

i shook my head, speechless.

I knew it. I fucking knew it.

I hung up the phone, tossing it across the room.

i cried in Val's arms for god knows how long.

After all of this, after all this time, he chooses now? After we're married? When there's a baby on the way?

" Michelle? What's going on?" Val demanded.

I looked up at here through watery eyes.

" Brian's been sleeping with Megan. For months. Matt just told me." i cried.

I watched her face grow solemn, and she nodded, hugging me closer.

Just then i heard a car pull up in the driveway, and moments later the front door opening.

" Chelle? Val? I'm back!" I heard Brian's voice.

My heart sped up, and i looked over to Val where she sat. She glared at the door, standing up.

" I'll be back" she promised me in a cold voice. I nodded, a little bit scared.

I watched my twin storm out the door and down the stairs.


Brian's POV

The house was quiet. Too quiet.

" Chelle! Val! I'm home!" i yelled, setting down my guitar case by the kitchen table.

All of the sudden i heard footsteps down the stairs.

I watched Val turn the corner, coming right at me. And she looked pissed.

' Val? What's wron-"


I stumbled back, clutching my stinging cheek.

" What the fuck, Val?" i screamed.

She glared, shaking her head," Who do you think you are?" She seethed.

i looked down at her confused, going to open my mouth, but she cut me off.

" No! Don't answer that. I know the answer. You are an asshole, Brian Haner Jr. You are a low life scum, a pig, and a damn disappointment. HOW DARE YOU?" She screamed," That is your wife upstairs!" she pointed her arm up," What the fuck gives you the right to CHEAT on your WIFE?!?!" She yelled.

My heart stopped beating.
Oh shit.
How did she find out?

I felt myself pale and i licked my lips,' Where's Chelle? I need to talk to her." I asked.

She glared at me," Why should i let you see her? She's up there, crying here eyes out. Heartbroken! You cheated on her, Brian. On here, and on your baby. Did you even think about ht baby? Huh?!?" she yelled again.

I brushed past her, head spinning as i climbed the stairs, walking down the hall to the semi-open door to the nursery.

I pushed it open.

I saw Michelle in the corner, curled up and sobbing, holding her stomach.

I walked hesitantly towards her.

" Why? Brian?" i heard her ask in a whisper, looking up at me.

Her red eyes and wet cheeks broke my heart, and i sighed, rubbing my face.

" Michelle, I, i don't know what to say," i whispered bad, kneeling in front of her.

She sat up at bit, leaning against the wall next to the rocking chair.
" Just tell me why?" she asked hoarsely.

I flinched, looking down.
" Honest?" i asked. She nodded.

i bit my lip," I haven't loved you...the way you love a really long time," i began. Michelle let out a sob, and i wrapped my arms around her. She leaned her head into my chest and i let her cry into my shirt.
" I was so close at times, to ending this, to divorce, but i couldn't do it. I couldn't hurt you like that. You've always been my best friend, Chelle. I though maybe that was enough."

she clenched my shirt in her hand. i rubbed her back.
" So you thought that c-cheating on me," she hiccuped,' Would be better than divorcing me?"

i shook my head,' I don't know, Chelle. I don't know the reason. It just happened. Megan walked into my life, and suddenly i felt...better, than i had in a long time. I could write better, play better. And at first we were friends. Just good friends, but then one day..." i drifted, off, looking down at her. She had stopped crying now, and simply stared at me, waiting,' It just happened. I didn't realisze what i was doing. It felt so..natural.And i'm so sorry, Michelle. I never meant for this to happen to you," i placed my hand on her stomach,' To any of you,"

I wiped away her tears with my thumb. She closed here eyes.
' Just tell me one thing. Do you love her?" She asked me.

I hesitated, looking away, then back to her," Yes."

She nodded, and let a few more tears down.
" I can't raise this baby on my own, Brian. I can't do it. I need you. We need you .And we need you here.With us. Not with Her. Please. Don't go. I can't believe i'm saying this,but, i forgive you."

my eyes widened," Y-you forgive me?" i stuttered.

She nodded, rubbing her stomach,' I could tell. I think i knew. I always knew. I could see it in your eyes that you weren't happy. I could have said something. I could have gotten us help. This is my fault too," i opened my mouth to correct her but she cut me off,' No. Don't argue. It's my fault too. I let you go to her. I didn't hold you tight enough," she whispered.

I felt my own tears start to well,' What do we do from here, Chelle? Where do we go from here?"

she sniffed, looking up," I think that's up to you."

I looked down at her, and into the brown eyes that i once loved with all my heart.
And i realized i still found comfort there.
After all of this time, Michelle was still one of my best friends.

I nodded, standing up, " I'll be back." i promised, sending here an apologetic look as i walk doug the door.

Descending the stairs, i grabbed my jacket and keys, walking past a glaring Val in the kitchen.

' Where do you think you're going? Divorce attorney" she seethed.

I rolled my eyes.
" I'll be back,"

As much as this was going to hurt, i knew it was the right thing. I had to think of what was best for all of us.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh. Whats he gonna do? Who's he gonna choose????

The trash had to come out sooner or later, peeps.