Nowhere, Anywhere, Somewhere

I got friends in low places


" okay so first I think we need to decide what message you want the song to convey. " I began. 

I watched Matt scratch his buzz cut, confused. 

Jimmy spoke first," It should be wicked fucking awesome. Something that chills your fucking blood"

I smiled. Now we're getting somewhere. 

" Okay Jim. Your up. Chills how? Creepy? Depressing? Violent?"

" what if we combined all of them?" Brian mentioned. 

Matt slapped him on the back. 
" I like it...but how do we write a creepy, depressing, violent song? I mean, what idea embodies all of that?"

" the devil man. Hell. " Johnny offered. 

" Fuck Yes!" Jimmy bounced in his seat. 

" Hey listen up, fuckers. How about this?" Zack started playing a few chords on his guitar. 

I nodded along, tapping my pen. 

" Hate to twist your mind
But God ain't on your side...
An old acquaintance severed
Burn the world your last endeavor" I spoke. They just came to me. 

Zack stopped playing. 

" Dude. That was wicked. How'd you come up with that?" Matt asked, leaning forward over the table. 

I shrugged," I don't know. Every since I was little I've been writing lyrics. It's second nature to me "

Brian sat up, grabbing some music sheets and a notepad. 

" Yeah yeah that's good, but what if you started it like...uhm...

Drag you down below
Down to the devil's show"

I nodded, writing it down. "Zack, play that again."

He nodded, playing. 

I mouthed the words that we already had. 

" To be his guest forever
Peace of mind is less than never" Jimmy added. 
I smiled. 

This is going better than I thought it would. 

" Dragged you down below
Down to the devils show
To be his guest forever
Peace of mind is less than never

Hate to twist your mind
But God ain't on your side
An old acquaintance severed
Burn the world your last endeavor" I rattled off all we already had. 

Matt slapped the table, startling me. I looked up at his dimpled grin. 

" this song will be fucking epic"

We all laughed. 

Just then my phone went off, blaring classic Garth Brooks. 

" - Cause I got friends in low places where the whiskey drowns, and the beer chases my blues away, but -"

" Yes, Lindsay?" I asked, grinning and laughing a bit at the guys' amused expressions. 

" Hey girl! Oh my lord you will never guess what just happened!"

I rolled my eyes," What? Mr.  Tinsle shoot someone again?"

Brian shot me a curious glance. I shook my head and he smirked. I felt my stomach flip. 

"'No silly! It's Charlie! He came in the diner this morning and oh sweetie he looks a mess! He was askin' about you, Meg! I swear he's still smitten!" 

I stiffened at my best friend's words, suddenly broken out of my Brian induced haze. 

" Oh Charlie..." I pinched the bridge of my nose," Momma said the same thing. Was he really in the Marines? I just can't picture him in uniform."

Matt smirked at me. 

" oh yes he was! He's gotten all big and buff,"

I choked on air, sitting up straight, my blonde hair falling in my eyes," What? Charles King Jr? Buff? For the 12 years he was around he never had a lick of muscle on him!"

Lindsay laughed," Honey if I didn't know he was so hung up on you, I would jump him. "

I groaned. " I just can't believe it. Look Lins I gotta go, alright sweetie? I'll call you later. Uhm, uh will you tell him hello for me?" I asked.

I heard her sigh over the phone," Alright Meg. Bye now!" she hung up. 

I threw my phone across the room and it landed on the couch. 

" Whats wrong, suga' pie?" Jimmy put on a really thick southern accent that sounded a lot like my mother strangely. 

I laughed, running my fingers through my hair," It's nothing. Just an old friend of mine came to town who I haven't seen in 5 years. "

Brian placed a hand on my thigh. I inwardly gasped at the warmth it provided. 

" And you want to go see him?" 

I nodded sadly," Oh I'd love it. But I'm here so I can't. Oh well. "

" Then let's go! Let's go to Texas!" Jimmy shouted, waving his hands in the air. 

I looked up at him, shocked," What? No! I cant ask you to jus-"

" Meg," Matt said," We're going to Texas. Shut up. We can write anywhere. Doesn't matter. Val will thinks it's awesome. "

Everyone nodded. I sat there shocked. 

These guys, who barely knew me, where willing to leave at the drop of a hat for me?

" Thank You " I whispered. 

Brian's hand squeezed my thigh

Zacky cleared his throat. 
I looked to the green eyed cutie," I'll get the tickets for tomorrow. How about we all go get our shit packed, have a big dinner over at Matt's, and leave early morning. "

I nodded, standing up. 
" Thank you guys so much, I- well it means a lot" I smiled, grabbing my bag and running out the door. 

My smiled stayed on my face the whole walk back to the hotel.