Time Always Runs Out

Her Time

I tore my eyes from the couple, trying to distract myself from the thought of the torment and the grief of losing his wife that man will feel. I looked at the board, where the teacher was drawing out a map, of the battlegrounds of the civil war. I looked down to the notebook on my desk, and picked up my pencil. I began to draw lines, and connecting them to others, shading in some areas, leaving some be, creating the image that played in my mind over and over. It was a picture i have never seen in real life before, but my mind seems to long for it.

“Thats beautiful.” a voice spoke out, making me jump a little, and i covered it out of reflex. I looked up, to see that girl, the one with only a little time, standing over me, looking at the picture.

“Thanks.” I muttered. “What do you want?”
I’m not a rude person, but when a person has no time, i push them away. Its better that way. She kept a smile on her face, in spite of my rudeness, and said,

“The bell rang. I don’t think you heard it.” I looked around, and sure enough, we were the only ones in the class room.

“Oh. Thanks” I stood, and started packing up, pulling the picture off the desk.

‘Um, may i please see the drawing?” she asked, sounding sort of embarrassed. I handed her the picture.

“Just keep it. I can make another.” And I walked out of the classroom, leaving her there.
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YAY! second part of my short story done =D and when i say short, i mean SHORT xD