Jar Of Hearts

Jar Of Hearts

Grey light shinning in. Windows closed, beads or rain sliding down the panes. curtains blowing gently with the breeze of the fan. I watched it spin around slowly, in its internal routine. Never to stray from its path. It was lucky. "Stupid fan." i muttered to myself turning over in my bed. I pulled my blankets over my head, blocking out the sun and the mocking fan. The tv screen phased from different pictures, of weather, and car wrecks, all the tragical in the world. I was stupid to be sulking like this when so many others were surrereing far more then i. But love hurt like hell. I forced myself from my bed, looked at his jacket, and then threw out the window. I pulled on my own jacket, and a baish knit hat, grabbing my rainbow umbrella and bright yellow rain boots. I picked up my cell phone and called Kadijah. "Wanna meet for breakfast?" i asked. She laughed and said, "Its twelve, if anything, its lunch!" i smiled and said, "You know what i mean." I walked out the door, and hailed a cab. yes. I just Hailed a cab. Hither my yellow cab. I slipped in, and gave the man my money, and said, "North-town Starbucks please." He smiled and said, "Looking pretty bright for such a dreary day arnt you?" I smiled back and said, "Someone has to be the sun when there isn't any." I opened my umbrella and made my way across the street into the Starbucks once we arrived. Waving at my friends Kadijah and Erik. Kadijah has been my friend since high school, and has always been there for me, Erik was a new friend of mine, who i had just met in the wild strange world of D.C. He was a fellow Central Intelligence Agency in training. He looked cute in his little brown Indy hipster jacket and red scarf. "Looking colorful." He said, after I had hugged them both. Although she smiled, i knew Kadijah knew i was thinking of Sydney. I always dressed extra colorful when i wanted people to think i was ok. We ordered our coffee and sandwiches, (Yes, Starbucks has sandwiches. Here at least, i don't know about all though non-city Starbucks.) "I'll have a vinty latte'." Erik ordered, "Just a Figi." Kadijah ordered. and i was embarrassed with my massive, "I'll have a vinty caramel mocha frappachino, with extra cream, and a caramel drizzle. oh, and a muffin also please." Erik stifled a laughed, and we sat down. "So, you finally threw out Sydney's jacket. are you alright?" Kadijah asked, and Eriks cheerful smile faded. "Yeah. I promise, and how did you know about the jacket?" She smiled and said, "I saw it stuck in the tree near your apartment."Erik set his coffee down on the table and got back on subject (Which i was great at getting off of), "Look, Anna, lately, when it comes to Sydney, your promises dont mean to much. Anything else, I always know your a hundred percent accurate, with Sydney, its about a thirty four point twenty three." Erik. Him and his percentages. Theres a reason he was in Product Interpreters. The boy knew his math. "Its just that, ever since he left, you have been really out of it." Kadijah told me. "You've been really tired, not as into work, things like that." I nodded. I knew this. I thought about it last night. "Look guys, I know you love me, and that your worried, but i'm the only one who can help me get over him." We stood and walked out the door. Erik and Kadijah hopped in his station wagon, and drove down the busy street. I waited for a cab. I looked through the crowds of umbrellas and shuffling people, and looked for a cab. I finally hailed down my cab, and as i was getting in, i looked across the street, and almost passed out. In the rain, soaking wet, and breathing heavily, staring right at me, was Sydney. I snapped out of my daze, when he started to run across the street. I shut the door of my cab, and said, "Go Please!"
I shut the door to my apartment, throwing my stuff on the bed, trying to keep back tears, and call Kadijah at the same time. "Whats wrong?!" she asked when she heard my voice. "What is it?!" i Heard Erik in the background. "Sydney is here." I barely got out. "We'll be there soon." Erik said into the phone. I shut the phone, and sat on my bed. Ten minutes later, someone knocked on the door. I opened the door, but my heart broke in two when i saw Sydney. "I know you have every reason to slam this door in my face, but im begging you to please listen to me." I didn't shut the door. "Anna, i made the stupidest mistake of leaving you, and i'm asking you, no, begging you, with all my soul, that you will give me a second chance, and take me back." I didn't say anything. This was the boy who cruley left me for some other girl, shoving me the full force of the ice in his soul. "Is there another chance for me?" I looked at him, and shook my head. "No Sydney. There isn't. Get away from here. Dont come back for me. Dont come back at all. You broke all your promises you made to me, then left me without a thought. Tell me, did you even think about how i would feel? Do you know how much pain you put me through, how much pain, im still in?! Who do you think you are to do this?" He started to take a step towards me, then stopped. "Your right. I dont deserve you." I held back a laugh and a tear. "Yeah. Your right. You dont." He looked blank. Emotionless, as if i had completely broken him. At least now he had a small taste of how i felt. I would have died for him. I would have given him my all, anything he asked, or needed. And he threw me away when he was bored with me. "I love you Anna." He whispered to me quietly, trying one last time. "No you dont." and then i shut the door.
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So yeah, one chapter, short story xD Hope you liked it =D *hugs to everyone*