Status: PAUSED

Dear Reader


Here I am. In an uncomfortable dress, and killer heels in some stranger's room. I wouldn't mind it as much if her equally as strange brother wasn't staring at me as well! You should know how I fell about guys, and especially strangers by now.

Well they aren't entirely strangers seeing as how we met at church today, but I still didn't know them, and I don't want to! I mean, their probably like everyone else at that hypocritical palace! (You can probably tell i'm not found of most church people? eh?) But then again these people didn't seem hypocritical so far. Oh, you're probably wondering how I got here, huh? Well, start to imagine some dream like smoke (you know, for effect.) as you read my flashback,

I saw my mother in the back of the church where we usually have snacks after the sermon. She was talking to this beautiful, short, happy woman with long, wavy black hair and a Spanish accent. As I slowly made my way over to her to say Nathan was waiting in the car, I could hear my mother go on and on about how the sermon was wonderful as if she didn't fall asleep.

The woman she was talking to smiled politely as if to say "I'll let you think what you want to think" and then she turned to me and beamed, "Is this your daughter? She looks just like you! She's beautiful!" My mother nodded furiously and smiled happily 'cause I made her look good for once.

"So, what's your name sweetie? And how old are you?" The woman asked kindly. I mumbled, "Vanessa and I'm 17." She clapped excitedly and said, "My kids are about the same age! Oh, I hope you guys get along tonight!" I gave her a "Woman, what you talking 'bout" look?" and kept wondering if my mom finally sold me to some other family. But my dreams had been crushed because the woman explained she was having a party tonight which were all invited.

Anyway, we finally arrived at the party around 6 with my family dressed in black tie clothing, and me in what I wore to church (black and purple skinny jeans, black converses, and a black fish net shirt underneath my over sized grey tee. My shirt had a dude with a gun pointing forward with the words "Stick 'em Up!" in front, and " And Get Krunk!" in the back with the same gun dude doing a disco move. I rather liked my shirt, but when Mrs. Larkson (the woman who was talking to my mother earlier) looked almost sorry as she stared at me, I felt sort of self conscious.

"Sweetie, this is a black tie event." Mrs. Larkson cooed. I figured it was so, but I hated formal clothing with a passion! I smiled sadly, and said "Well, I have nothing to change into." "You should have changed when I told you to!" Scott rolled his eyes annoyed. "Why would I do what you tell me? I don't believe half of what you say. So, how was I supposed to know you were serious?" I asked just annoyed. He and my mother looked pissed at me, but they couldn't say anything bad in front of Mrs. Larkson.

Our kind hostess was able to see the tension so she said "How about the rest of you come in, and you go to the back door. I'll send my daughter to get you and help pick something out?" My mother nodded in delight, sent me in the direction Mrs. Larkson had been pointing to earlier, and went inside to enjoy the party. When I got to the back door, I sat down thinking the girl wasn't going to come until awhile, but just as quick as my butt was on the floor, it was pulled back up again and I was whisked inside.

I didn't even have time to see my captor's face, but I could tell it was a girl by the way the itchy blue material from her dress kept scratching me, and her black heels kept clicking the floor. Finally, we arrived in a large room. The walls were black and turquoise, and there were band posters on every wall. I turned around to see who had dragged me and their was a perky, hopping girl in front of me.

She had long black hair with blonde bangs, black thick glasses (which I decided I liked because it looked like Peter's. I said that because Peter's nice! Not because I love him or something! ...just for the record.), a little black strapless dress with that blue scratchy material on the bottom like I felt when I was being abducted, and a large perfect smile. After squealing for about what felt like 10 straight minutes, she quickly said, "Hi! I'm Jordan, but you can call me Lark! All my friends do 'cause my last name is 'LARKson.' Get it? Well, of course me and my twin have the same last name, but everyone just calls him Ryan! Anyway, I heard your name is Vanessa and that you were cool! You look cool! I love you! Hey where'd you get that shirt? I love that to!"

I've never heard anyone talk so fast or even so much in my whole entire life. I was awestruck! In my moment of creeped out silence, she began to talk to herself about what she was going to put me in.

I then looked at her dress, and her walls a second time. "You have a fetish for blue and black, huh?" I said more to myself then anything. She nodded and said with a shy smile, "Was it the walls, the floor or the ceiling?" I looked at her floor and ceiling to see the floor had blue and black boxes, and her ceiling was black and had blue and silver swirls. I just looked at her with that same look I gave Ciera when she had her moment, and pointed to her dress. She went "Oh!" and jumped as if she forgot she was wearing it. "That was totally a mistake this time!" she mumbled to herself.

She then dug through her walk in closet as she muttered something about "the perfect dress" for me. After she returned from the abyss of clothing, she handed me a sleeveless black dress that bunched up at the skirt part. She pointed me to the bathroom (She has a "freaking" bathroom! In her freaking room!) and I went to change my clothes.

I ignored the turquoise everything ( I was going to be seriously sick of this color by the time I left.) and set my clothes neatly in a pile under the sink and then zipped up the dress. It was a little snug, and was about 3 inches above my knee (which felt very awkward! I was going to have to avoid Scott and Nathan all night!), but over all it was cute.

I stepped out nervously as I saw Lark pulling shoes from under her bed. I coughed loudly and she squealed. She ran over to me and gushed about how pretty I looked, and then gave a confused look and said, "This dress usually passes my knees!" And then I noticed with out her heels, she was even shorter than her mother (who was a little less than 5 ft.), and I'm like 5'4!

I just shrugged not wanting her to feel sad about inheriting her mothers jeanso. As she shrugged back, she glanced over my shoulder, did a double take and then ran behind me. "Here's where I left them! They're a little to big for me, but they'll be perfect for you!" she said holding up some turquoise heels with long ribbons. (As I said before, I'm so gonna hate this color later!)

She fastened the ribbons around my ankles, and then gave me some black and silver necklaces and some black studs. I put them on and she took off one of the turquoise fish net gloves and gave it to me. She motioned me to the mirror and as I was gawking at myself, she squealed (yes, again! But I'm getting used to it). "Now we look like twins with the gloves and everything!" she smiled. That made me smile, and then a slightly taller boy that looked just like Lark (with the hair and everything!) except with no glasses burst through the door.


Anyway, this is where you first found me- standing here in Lark's room with her brother staring at me. I suddenly felt self conscious and scared, but he just stood in the doorway and smiled kindly. He nodded to me and then said, "Jordan! The rest of us are waiting in the back! Hurry okay?" She nodded, and pulled me along to follow her and her brother.