Status: PAUSED

Dear Reader


"What the fudge knuckles is a 'Blue Pantha' and are you a gang? I don't do gangs! If you think I'm joining a gang, you are out of your minds! Do I look like I want to be outside all hours of the night waiting for some other random group to show up on our "turf" (which by the way isn't really technically ours considering we don't have the deed) so we can shoot them and crap? I can't even watch movies with too much guns let alone hold them! Oh half naked ice cream no!" I screamed. "What the fudge knuckles is a fudge knuckle and why is the ice cream only half naked?" Chris asks totally ablivious to the rest of my speech.

"Duh! The naked is only half naked 'cause it has a cone on! What you want it to be completly naked? How is it supposed to have dignity despite it's tragic and uncomfortable death?" Lark says. "Finally, some one who gets me!" I high 5 her. "Your explanation just made me feel like eating ice cream is rape... i will never eat ice cream again!" Ryan murmus while looking quite nausious. Everyone then begins to argue amongst themselves as to whether or not ice cream should be band.

"Um, hello, remember me? Yea, you still haven't told me what a freakin' 'Blue Pantha' is?" I scream. "Oh dear skunky, we do not 'freak' as you say; we kick butt! And no we are not a 'gang.' We're just a group of awesome people! Do you know what the 'Black Panther' is?" Ryan says as he pets my head. "Yea, it's that group that fought against the racist injustices in America. From what I read, they were the pizza shop!" I said as I smacked his hand off.

"I'm gunna try as best as I can to ignore that pizza comment. Anyway, we're like them! We go against anyone who tries to bring wrongful harm to any person or group we know needs protection. No matter what age, race, gender, or level of wierdness they are, we help them if they are in trouble. We are loyal to justice." Ryan explains. "Great speech Dr. King, but why blue?" "Well, My dear skunk-a-doo.." Ryan starts, but I cut in.

"Wait, you make fun of my pizza shop thing, but then say something as stupid as 'my dear skunk-a-doo'? You hypo!" "Sh! I'm explaining! Anyway, have you ever seen fire in its truest form? It's blue. So, in a way were saying we are true or loyal... and pretty freakin' hot." He then poses. And then Smurf smacks him. "Ugly people should never do that kiss-y face thing. It's highly disturbing!"

"Anyway," Smurf continues. "as Blue Panthas we promise to always try and help people. Sometimes that requires fighting. That's why we had to see if you could fight me. Once I saw you do that elbow in the face/ kick combo in the hall and saw your character, I knew you'd make it. So, do you accept?" "Dude, I was born a Blue Pantha" I smile as I do a wierd Wonder Woman/ angry cat pose. Then they all jumped up and hugged me.

I almost cried out of habit, but I wasn't terrified or angry. I almost yelled and kicked them off just because I was used to iattacking so frequently, but I didn't feel threatened. And I almost was tempted to stay quiet for the rest of the night when I realized how much I talked, but I felt comfortable around these people to open my mouth at least that much. That's when I started tearing up.

"Aw, Skunky! What's wrong?" Lark asks. I rub the tears away and reply, "well, besides the fact that i'm really really happy... I just remembered Chris is sick and he's infecting all of us right now." Lark kicks him out of the circle, and goes, " I took care of it!" with her awesome Lark- laugh. Chris pretened to cry in the corner, while we all smiled like mad men.

Now I have friends- people to cry and laugh with. I have people to talk to! And oh my crap, people that i'm probably gunna scare away when I'll do something stupid tonight! Ugh, I just know I will.
♠ ♠ ♠
sleep over is next :D but youll have to wait a couple of days :c
-orael *waves*
im so not suppossed to be on right now! sh! dont tell my teachers! *shifty eyes* I have to study :c but fear not! *viking pose* I shall pass all my tests with flying colors *cheesy awkward superhero laugh*
kay byebye4now luv ya^^