Status: PAUSED

Dear Reader


Lark is passed out under the bed in a sugar coma, Smurf is in the closet snoring like a mutated hippo/ chainsaw, and it just has to be way too early for any teenage guy to be up right now! Yes, now is the time! Now is the moment I have been waiting for since last night- diary time! I tip-toed down the stairs and into the kitchen where I hid my Oreos and orange juice in the back of the fridge. I set up my little writing spot on the counter and began to write:

"Dear diary,
Boy have I got news for you! 1) I'm now part of the Blue Pantha's! We fight for justice.. kind of like "The Avengers"... but in cuter outfits!
2)I've decided Peter is dangerous! He's hiding something from me! He said so to the guys yesterday night! I over heard them when I was doing my "Operation Whip Cream!" Lark named it that. Can you tell?
Oh and lastly, since we're talking about Lark, I've decided she should know about our very close relationship. If she's going to be my bestest friend, she's going to need to know about my love affair with you Mr. Diary! You are the sun to my shine, the smile to my face, the dance to my party, the cotton to my candy and the care to my bear. Hehe I'm so weird.
Okay, no seriously though, I'm gunna tell her that I have a diary and one day I may even let her read it.
Anyway, CYA LATER HOMEY! write in you another time! *high 5s your page cause I don't think you have arms.*

Remind me to figure out sign language before the next group session! ASL girl makes me really curious."

"What are you doing?" I turned around to see a half asleep Lark with a bottle of whipped cream still at her side. "Getting ready to introduce you to... tada! My boyfriend, Mr. diary! I'd like you to meet him." Being the awesome person that she is, she came and hugged him. "Hello Mr. diary! You better be treating my Skunky right!" "I think he likes you!" "Of course! I'm his girlfriend's bestest friend!" "You think bestest is a word to?" "Of course it is! I put it in my dictionary as that!" "Your dictionary?" I asked her increduously. She just nodded sleepily. "Well, anyway now that you have met my boyfriend, I have a suprises for you and Smurf. I got you both boyfriends! I thought we could decorate them together!" She instantly woke up and jumped around.

I turned around for just a second and she was gone! I looked all of downstairs trying to figure out here she went. Then I heard it!
♠ ♠ ♠
Yep! This is the update for September.
I may even add another update this month just for the heck of it, but yea, this is the official update.
Anyway, how are you doing? Have a good day? Answer in my inbox :D
I do better with replying when it's in my inbox :P
anywayz love you!