Status: PAUSED

Dear Reader


School always sucks, but the worst day to be there is the second day of returning from summer vacation. On the first day, everyone just talks amongst themselves (except me of course; I just sleep), but the second day, the teachers start cracking the whip and actually give you "home work." I put "home work" in quotes because no one does it at home; they just attempt to do it three days after its due during class.

Why? Because apparently getting marked off is like the coolest thing ever! Why actually get good grades so you can get into college? College is for successful people! Sorry, all that ranting made me forget what I was talking about.

I looked into the distance to see if I could remember where I was going with my point, but was interrupted by a "Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?" I turned to where the voice was coming from to glare, but was shocked when he just kept smiling. It was the same cute kid I bumped into from yesterday.

He had blonde hair that was just past his ears, ocean blue eyes that were hidden behind thick black glasses, and a gorgeous smile that seemed to never leave his face. Like I said before- cute kid, right? Nerdy looking, but cute. Well, at least I'd think he was cute if I wasn't so afraid of boys.

I decided to come up with a reason for not finding him attractive, so , I wouldn't let my guard down in front of him (like I said before, he's scary), and I decided on his friendliness. His smiling-ness (so not a word, but I'm sticking with it!) was getting on my nerves! I glared to make him stop. It usually worked with everyone, even the large cave-man like jocks, but he just kept smiling, and sat next to me. What part of "the glare" did he not understand?

"Hi! I'm Peter!" he out stretched his hand. He slightly pouted as he put his hand down realizing that I don't do human contact. But he still tried again. "We kind of bumped into each other yesterday. Don't know if you remembered." he said with his smile beginning to falter some. I felt kind of bad, but kept staring blankly.

"So, what's your name?" he asked with hopeful eyes. I held up my notebook that had my name in big, colorful bubble letters. He smiled some more, and exclaimed "Vanessa! I love that name! That was the name of my grandma! I love her, but she died. Oh, wait! Girls don't like to be compared with dead, old people! I'm sorry!" he panicked. I just glared at him and then dramatically looked in the opposite direction so he'd think I was angry. He kept trying to apologize, and I just kept ignoring.