Status: PAUSED

Dear Reader


As I went through out the day, I felt more and more guilty for letting Peter think the reason I wasn't talking to him was the grandma comment. He shouldn't be the one feeling guilty; I should! After all, he's the one that lost his grandma, right? I'm such a sucky person!

I was mentally cursing myself for my behavior when I heard a loud "thump" and saw I had tripped someone. I mumbled, "Maybe the floor wasn't the best place to lie down?" "You think?" said a dark figure in a bored tone. He stood up and I could see his face. It was Chris.

You know those kids who sat in the back of the class, always wore black and chains, and were known for there reputation as a "bad boy" although they've never actually gotten into any fights? That was Chris.

His shoulder length black pony tail was swaying as he got up, and soon his 6ft body was hovering over me while his dark-brown apathetic, bored eyes were watching intently. As I was admiring how good looking he was (even though he's scary 'cause he's a boy), he started talking, but all I saw was his mouth moving; I was too busy wondering if he was going to attack me (yes, i'm paranoid! Now, shut up!)

"Hmph?" I responded. "I said, 'Aren't you going to say sorry?,' but forget it. I know you don't speak." he replied. He didn't seem angry, or sarcastic, so I just nodded my head, and returned to closing my eyes to rest.

"Are you seriously going to lay here still after tripping someone?" he asked with a cocked eyebrow. I nodded and then he began pulling me up from the ground. I nearly had a panic attack! I started kicking and scratching at him.

He quickly backed away and slowly said, "You do realize i'm not trying to hurt you, right?" He saw my cold stare wasn't leaving my face, and he sighed, "Look. Let's start over, okay? I'm Chris." He then put out his hand for me to shake. I just stared at it, but not because I was trying to be rude. I was just seriously not used to shaking people's hands; I haven't been social for so long, I think I've actually forgotten how!

When I finally remembered what you do with out-streached arms, it seemed to late. He huffed a "Forget it and begins to walk away when I say "I know who you are. We've going to school together since 9th grade!" He nods and says, "Yea, but we've never talked. So, we don't know each other; we just know of each other." Then I nod.

"Seriously, you should get off of the ground though. You could get hurt." he says actually looking concerned. "Pain is inebidable." I say just trying to creep him out with my "emo" lines.

People usually start running right about now, but he just stood there. He reached out his hand again, and I took it hesitantly. He pulled me up and replied "Only if you don't have protection. I officially decide I will help protect you. I'm your new friend whether you like it or not." He then smiled.

I stared at him blankly and asked "Why would you want to protect me? Besides, do I look like I need protecting? You annoy me. Leave."

He then smiled "I want to protect you 'cause you remind me of me at some point in my life. I definetly needed protection before. So, I can assume you do to, everyone does! Plus, you're silence sells you out. You're hiding from something and when that something comes out into the light you'll need a friend. And I don't talk to alot of people, but when I do, it's because I like them and intend to stick by them. Once I say someone's my friend and decide to stick by them, that means i'll never leave them. So, in answer to your suggestion to leave, no."

He then smiled and said, "here we are." I hadn't even noticed we were walking, but apparently we were, and he had brought us to our next period- history. After it was over, I walked quickly to my locker thinking I could out run him, but when I turned around, Bam!

There he was leaning against the locker next to mine with a bored look on his face and his arms crossed. This dude is definitely a ninja! I must make a mental note to watch out for him!