Just a Few Heartbeats Away

No, at the top of our lungs

You can never be too young to love. Of course, thirteen year olds on facebook declaring their love for their new boyfriends after five minutes give teenage love a bad name, but sometimes it’s real. I learnt that when I was seventeen.

His name was Jaime. We’d been sort of dating for a couple of months I guess. I mean, we hung out and talked about music and held hands sometimes and kissed a few times, but it wasn’t really official, we just liked being together. I really liked him, more than I’d liked anyone before. That night was different. It changed everything.

He asked me to go to a show with him. It wasn’t anything special, just a couple local bands playing. We’d both seen them before, and they were good, so I said yes.

We met up late afternoon and went to McDonalds together so we wouldn’t be super hungry when the concert started. It wasn’t romantic, it wasn’t supposed to be; we were just being us. He stole some of my fries and I wiped ketchup on his face and we laughed and gushed a bit about one of the bands we were about to see. He smiled and held my hand as we left and started walking towards the venue.

We were early; the first ones there. It didn’t matter, being early was nice and it meant we’d be at the front when the doors opened. We sat on the cool asphalt outside the venue, holding hands and sharing headphones and waiting. Moments like that were amazing, just knowing that we didn’t even have to speak, just be with each other.


“Does anyone want to hear one more song?” Everyone, including me, yelled and clapped, signalling hell yes we wanted another song. The turnout had been far better than I expected, and the small-ish room was packed with people. The bands had been good, I hadn’t gotten too badly pushed by anyone and he’d held my hand when the band that was playing now had played a softer acoustic ballad.

“I guess that’s a yes then. Okay, I want everyone to kiss each other,” that, of course, just made everyone look around the room a little awkwardly, seeing if anyone was actually going to. “Come on guys, you want another song? I’m not feeling the love in here.” The singer smiled from his spot on the low stage.

“Fine then! You two-” he paused to point at me and Jaime “-kiss and you get another song.” I felt my cheeks heat up like crazy. I knew everyone was looking at us, probably waiting for us to get on with it. Of course we’d kissed before, it wasn’t that big of a deal, but it just felt like the biggest deal ever, standing there with over a hundred people staring at you.

He looked almost as embarrassed as I felt when I finally glanced up at him, but I guess my look gave him courage because he freed his arm from the crowd and put it around the back of my neck, before leaning down to kiss me. I pulled back slightly and few people cheered as the lights dimmed again and the drummer started to beat out the rhythm of their final song.

The music was almost deafening, the bass beating through our bodies as everyone really got into the music again. It was the sign of a good band, when people who didn’t know the music were still jumping around like crazy. While everyone else jumped we just stayed there, pressed tight together, our foreheads touching and occasionally bumping painfully apart and together again. It didn’t matter, we just didn’t care. In that moment, he was kind of perfect.

The song finished and the crowd started to pile out of the small building, leaving us standing together, hands entwined and smiled wide.

“Good luck!” the singer called out from the stage where he and his band were all packing up their gear.

Jaime laughed softly, his breath fanning warmth across my face. Then we kissed.
♠ ♠ ♠
I heard Kissing In Cars by Pierce the Veil for the first time a few days ago, and I've wanted to write a story about it ever since. It'll probably only have one more chapter, since I'm useless at writing longer stories. The writing style's a bit everywhere, but I kind of like it that way, it's reflecting his thoughts.
I'll try to get the next part done in the next couple of days, since I'm also working on a Pierce the Veil slash oneshot. They are such an underrated band.

Feedback is much appreciated.