Status: Just begun.

Meet Me On Thames Street

Chapter 5

Alex pulled the boy down with him hard, ducking behind Alex's car. They waited as the car idled by slowly. as soon as the car was out of view, both boys let out breaths neither boy knew they were holding. The boys glanced at each other, knowing exactly what the other was feeling. Flashbacks of beatings were running through Jack's head, remembering the pain and trying to remember which body part took the damage each time. It was usually his ribs or his face, resulting in bloody noses and bruised abdomens. It was a bittersweet feeling. Mike would most likely end up in jail, but it would take even more damage.


The rest of the day was tense. The boys felt like they were running from the cops for no good reason. Technically, they were, but they hadnt done anything wrong. For all they knew, Jack could simply be on vacation with Alex. Jack had insisted the boys get food from the grocery store. Alex did most of the shopping, beings that Jack only picked macaroni and candy. After a few arguments, Alex finally caved into a ratty old VHS version of Home Alone to watch in the motel later. The boys returned to the motel, Alex rushing to the door with his arms full of groceries, leaving Jack back at the car to get the rest.
Alex fumbled with the key a little, finally getting the door to something he thought ony happened on staged crime shows. His mother was tied to a chair with duct tape covering her lips. There was a gun pointed straight to her head, and tears were streaming down her red cheeks. Mike chuckled "thought you two could get away didnt you? and you brought your mom into it too?" Mike rolled his eyes, letting out a small laugh. "You're stupider than i though Alex." Alex swallowed, a knot forming in his throat. The two people he cared about most were in danger, and he'd do whatever he had to do to keep them safe. He stealthily lowered his hand, placing it on the gun that was rubbing between his skin and boxers. Jack had finally made his way to the doorway, dropping everything he was carting in his arms. He was shocked, he impulsively lunged his lanky body toward Mike.


The room was bright, an IV cord snaking into Alex's arm. He was asleep, and had been that way for hours.
Jack was tapping his feet and biting his lip, sitting as close to Alex's hospital bed he could get.The previous night replaying through his mind over and over again. Tears began to rise, Jack blamed himself for it all. "If I wouldnt have fucking jumped at Mike.." he quietly cursed himself. Jack had gone for Mike, Alex had his gun out and ready by that point. Mike read Alex like an open book and immediately shot, Jack still in line of collision with him. Their bodies hit together hard, muffled screams filled the room, along with groans of pain. It was all a blur then. Alex's mom struggling to get out of the chair to save her only son. She wasn't about to lose another child. Her screams barely audible from the duct tape covering her gentle mouth. Alex lay unconscious on the hotel floor, blood streaming from his brown hair onto the carpet. Jack was fighting with everything he had to get the gun from Mike. When he finally had the gun, he didnt hesitate a second to shoot. He wobbled up onto his feet, gun still in his hands. He heard Isobel screaming again, as a man passed by the open motel door, phone in hand with 911 on the other side of the call.
Jack shuddered and untied his boyfriends mother, not knowing what to do about the boy laying seemingly lifeless on the floor.
"Mr. Barakat?" Jack heard his name being called from a nurse. He wiped away the rivers of tears he unconsciously let stream from his brown eyes. "Hun, are you okay?" the older woman gave him a sympathetic look. "I'll be fine." he sniffled.
"He'll be okay, sweetie. He's just sleeping for now. We got blood back into him just in time. Ten more seconds and.. well he would be gone.." her words drifting into the air. she offered him a slight smile, Jack returned the gesture. She shuffled out of the room. Jack got up slowly, making his way to the lobby just outside Alex's room. Isobel was talking with a few nurses. Hearing Jack's trudging footsteps, she turned to him, bursting into tears and wrapping her arms around the tall boy. She was scared, even with the nurses reassuring her that everything would be fine. They didn't know her past, they didn't know that she had already lost a son, they didn't know how much pain this was truly causing her. Barely three years ago Alex's older brother Daniel had committed suicide. There was nothing they could do to stop it, but this time there was hope. There was a possibility of survival and she was willing to do anything to increase those chances.
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please don't be silent readers! if you're reading, let me know what you think. what needs to be improved, what the story might be lacking so far, what's good about it, whether you like the plot or not. let me know guys! thanks c: