An Eternal

The Curse

Lightless air stood still and reticent. Footsteps echoed slightly as a young pale woman in an obscure hood stepped into the light of a street lamp that still had enough fuel to be burning. Sonorous waves crashed against the stone walls that stood high above the rocky waters that bordered the sea side town. The silhouette of a young man stood on top of the wall, overlooking the breaking waves. His blonde shoulder length hair fluttered slightly in the wind that the massive ocean brought. He looked over the scene with an empty, lonely look in his eyes, as if he was deep in thought. 
“If your not careful, you’ll fall.” She said softly to him. Her voice was soft and broken, like that of a person near death. There was a hurt air about her. He looked over towards her from the corner of his eye, but returned his gaze to the ocean. He crouched down on the wall, resting his arms on his knees, supporting all his weight on the balls of his feet.
“I wont fall. Even if I did, I would only be doing this place a favor.” She sighed and climbed onto the wall with him. 
He stood back up and turned to face her. “Why are you here Stella?” She looked down to her feet, and told him, “I couldn’t sleep. I haven’t been able to for days.” He raised his head up slightly, but continued to watch her. He sensed another motive besides this. 
“Why else?” She looked up to him, tears lining her eyes. “I wanted to see you.” He turned away from her and jumped down onto the street. He looked back to her with a glair of ice. “Go home Stella.” 
Tears rolled from her eyes as she struggled to form words. “I cant go home Jakob! There is no where else for me to go! There is nothing left for me in this town! No home, no family, no memories! Theres nothing here but you. Your all I have left.” Her words sank deep into him, but he gave them no thought.
“Your wrong Stella. You have nothing. Not even me.” He turned and began to walk away. Taking no more notice of the shattered girl he left behind without another word for her to hear. Thunder rumbled in the distance and lightning flashed the sky. No one could have heard an extra break in the waves, or noticed the absence of a girl with no family. 
“You filthy dog.” He stopped walking and looked over his shoulder. Where he had stood, now stood a tall, severe looking woman, with sharp features. She had a cruel beauty about her, and she glared at Jakob.
 “How can you realize what you have just done, and not given it a second thought?” He turned to face this woman, and told her, “I simply choose not to taint my mind with thoughts of regret.” The woman smiled at him, but it wasn’t a kind smile. “You have a heart of ice Jakob Brass. A heart of stone that smashed this girl’s to pieces” 
Within one-second, the woman had gone from standing several yards from Jakob, to directly behind him. “for that, you will be punished.” Jakob whipped around to face the woman, who grabbed onto his wrist. An intense burning stung the inside of his arm. The woman’s eyes turned white as she began to speak. “Jakob Brass, for breaking the heart, and causing the death of Stella Remora, you are cursed to forever relive her death. Time will change around you, and so will she. Reborn after her life is over, only to end it again. Her blood will forever be on your hands. Cursed to watch all life around you begin, and end, but never your own. Cursed to feel the weight of knowing you only bring pain!” She released his wrist, and he grabbed hold of it. He looked at his wrist and saw the scar that was burned into his skin. “Enjoy your life Jakob.”
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Whoo! lol I love this story, because one scene happened to me =D thats how i decided to write it =D (not in this chapter, but a later one) hope you like it! comment please! *hugs for allllll*