An Eternal

A Second Death

Jakob jolted upright in his bed, just like always. He rubbed his face with his hands, and climbed out of bed, pulling on his shoes and a hoody. He stepped outside into the snow, and walked to the ledge. She woke and looked out the window, watching his silhouette walk across the snow. She pulled on a coat and followed him outside.
“Hey.” She said, making him jump a bit at the sound of her voice. He turned around, sighing in relief.
“What are you doing out here?” She asked him. Stella walked up next to him and looked out over the edge, and into the night. He watched as their breathe lingered in the cold air around them.
“Just getting some air. I had a dream that i could have easily lived without.” She smiled and told him, “Me too.”
He looked down to her and asked, “About what?” She smiled and told him, “My parents died in a bank robbery. The robbers were going to take my mom as hostage, and my dad fought them for her. They shot him, and then her. I keep seeing it in, over and over. I wake up, gasping for air, trying to breathe again. I have no where left to go Jakob. Everything i had in live is gone. Its all gone. Theres nothing left for me here.” The words pierced through him. He knew it all.
“Theres nothing.” Tears filled her grey eyes, and spilled over. He wanted so badly to touch her, and comfort her. To let her know that she would be ok. He turned to her and lifted her face up to his. He felt her face grow warm, and longed to finish what he was about to do. He couldn’t. He would never be able too. He walked away, leaving her there. He Ran.

It was all over the news. The story about the girl who jumped. They said it was the phycological damage of the shock from her parents murder. Marcel ran to the room he shared with Jakob to ask about their friends death. When he opened the door, Jakob, and all of his things were gone.
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yay =D i killed her twice xD much love =D comment please =D *hugs for all*