An Eternal

Another Life Begins

It was another small town next to the ocean. Homes and buildings were built into the face of cliffs and bluffs. There were boats floating on the water below, and their flags flapped gently in the wind. The beauty of Greece never ceased to amaze Jakob. He had his shoulder length blonde hair pulled back into a short ponytail, as he drew the scene that was before him. The sky was blue over the clear sea. Seagulls flew overhead, and sheets flapped on the cloths lines. He loved this place. It never seemed to change. He absentmindedly sketched her into the top corner of the page. He looked up, and saw a girl in a long white skirt sitting on a bench way off by the water. She was reading a book, often brushing her dark hair from her face. Jakob stood, quickly moving out of her line of sight. As he moved away from her, he didn’t notice that he had left the piece of paper with his drawing on the wall where he was.
She looked up, taking in the warm sun around her. She stood, putting her book away. A quick gust of wind blew her hair back, and she gasped as Jakob’s drawing caught the wind, and drifted into her arm. She pulled away the page of paper, and looked at it. She smiled as she saw the beautiful drawing of Greece, and the picture in the corner, of a girl with dark hair.
He sighed and let his hair down. He stepped back from his hiding place as she left, and began to descend the stairs that covered the town. He couldn’t interact with her this time. It would only kill her.
“Dammit all!” He turned as an older woman with grey hair pulled up, tripped and spilled several fruits out of the basket that she was carrying.
“Here. Let me help.” He offered, picking up the melons, and returning then to the basket. The woman smiled and said, “Thank you young man, these stairs will be the death of me.” He picked up the basket and asked,
“Would you like me to carry these for you?” The old woman nodded and happily agreed. As they walked through the city, Jakob asked the woman,
“So why do you need so many melons?” She smiled and said, “My eldest granddaughter is getting married tonight. The melons are for an appetizer.” Jakob smiled and said
“Congratulations!” They arrived at the woman’s home, which was a beautiful large building with a massive patio overlooking the ocean. He helped the woman wash and cut the melons, and place them in a formal position on a platter. The woman surprised Jakob when she said,
“You should come to the wedding tonight.” Jakob held his hands up in protest, and said, “Oh no, I couldn’t intrude,”
“No, I insist! You must come Jakob.” She said. Jakob smiled at the woman’s hospitality, and said, “alright.”
“Then I’ll see you here tonight Jakob.”
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woot woot! another chapter done! *hug!* much love to you ALL =D