An Eternal

The Fire and the Fall

“Its all gone.” She whispered.
“Taken from me in one night.” She looked at the black smoking pile of rubble that was once her home. People moved around her, looking for the bodies of her family. Those people moved like blurs around her. Ash smeared on her face, and the wind blew her hair in her face.
“I have nothing left.” Storm clouds lit up the sky with lighting as she stood and slipped away from all the chaos. Rain began to fall as she climbed the many stairs that consumed her town. As she climbed the stairs, Jakob woke with a start. He knew it was going to happen. This was the night that she would do it. She would kill herself. he couldn’t let this happen. Not this time. He knew exactly where she would be too. He didn’t bother to pull on shoes, or a jacket, he just ran. She ran her hand across the stone wall that separated the cliff face from the stormy ocean below her. He climbed the stairs, pushing past the people rushing to see what all commotion was about. She stepped onto the wall, gasping as a cool burst of wind blew behind her, as if it was tempting her to jump. He rounded the corner, and saw her. She faced the massive ocean before her, and opened her ams to let it take her away. He ran to her yelling,
“Stella no!” as she fell over the edge, she saw him.
“NO!” he yelled.

She hit the water hard, forcing her to lose all her breathe. The waves pulled her under, dragging her to the bottom. Her vision blurred as she began to shut her eyes. He dived in after her, swimming down to her, reaching out for her body. He grabbed her waist and pushed off the bottom. The broke the surface, and pulled her towards the bank.
“Keep breathing Stella! Stay awake!” He dragged her ashore and began to pump the water out of her lungs.
“Oh God please...” He muttered. He bent down and repeated the CPR.
“Come on Stella! I love you! You have to keep breathing!” She finally began to cough and opened her eyes. Jakob sat her up and pet her back. “Easy Stella.” he said softly. She looked up to him, and said, “Jakob, you came back for me.” He looked at her, and asked,
“What do you mean ‘Came back?’” She smiled and said, “The first time, you just left.” His eyes grew wide with horror. She remembered. She remembered that he had let her jump.
“I’m sorry Stella. I’m so sorry.” He choked out, but she stopped his apology, by kissing him.
“I love you Jakob.” He slid his hand into hers and said,
“I love you too Stella.”
That was when his heart finally stopped.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, but I hope it has an impact =D *hugs for all* Much love, and PLEASE leave a comment xD