An Eternal

The Familiar

Years later, he walked up the grand stairs of the huge white boarding school, and into the massive marble room. He stood there, unaged, unchanged and indifferent. The very same as he had been, years before. A thick leather bracelet covered the burn that was imprinted into the inside of his wrist. His shoulder length hair still danced at the nape of his neck. Several girls smiled at him as he walked through the room, one even waved, but he took no notice. He had no need for a girl. They would only expire. He opened the door that led to the basement, where all the dorm halls connected, and walked down the stairs. A flash of dark brown hair and pale skin passed him on the stairs, and she caught his attention. She was watching him. He starred at her, knowing she would look away. Everyone does; she didn’t. The stairwell grew hot, and all the oxygen had left. Something was different. She gave him no attention, until his leg’s gave out beneath him, sending him down the stairs. 
“Oh my god!” The burning in his lungs was instantly soothed when she touched him. “Are you all right?” she asked him, her voice edging on panic. He sat up, and moved away from her. Her eyes were grey and lonely. They seemed to almost call out for something. 
“I’m fine.” Was all he said before he stood and continued to his room. She was all to hauntingly familiar.
Three days later, the school held a Welcome Dance, to help ease its students into their different clicks. Girls danced wildly with boys, and music blared from the band. Jakob stood in the corner of the room with his friends, watching the crazed students and listening to the horrid music of the age. He looked over the crowd, looking into each face. He stopped at hers. Her stormy grey eyes held confusion and perplexity. There was something mutability familiar about her eyes. Her pale skin glowed in the light, and he noticed as she threw glances at them, then back to her companions. He couldn’t take the pounding of the bass any more. He kicked off of the wall and walked out of the chaotic room. Halfway down the hall, he heard her call to him softly. 
“Excuse me.”
 He turned to face her with a blank emotionless expression on his face. 
“Um, do you think you would like to go out with me sometime?” He just looked at her blankly and she continued, 
“My name is Stella, by the way.” He looked into her eyes, and say the torment and longing that she hid behind fraudulent optimism. 
“Would you?” He opened his mouth to say something to her, but his friends called out to him. He took a step back, turned away from her, and walking down the hall. He looked back to her once, and she had left. He watched her push past the dancing people, and walk quickly out into the glacial night. His friends laughed, asking him about the girl he had just rejected. He laughed and smiled as if he hadn’t noticed the hurt she carried high above her head.
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WOO HOO =D (this is the scene that happened to me) xD sad but true xD comment please!!! Much love! *hugs for all!*