An Eternal

Dreams and Incounters

The night carried on, and her stormy eyes haunted him. He stepped out of the building, away from the music, and into the piercing cold. His breathe lingered in the air as he stood in the midnight. He looked up at the shining windows of the girls dorm, and he saw her silhouette in the only darkened window. He looked down. She sat on her bed, looking out into the starless sky that loomed over both of their heads. She whispered songs to herself in attempt to get her mind away from the long haired boy. She closed her eyes and suppressed the thoughts, falling down into her bed, and curled under the window. She dreamed and cried. 

He stood in a veil of darkness, that she just couldn’t pierce. Repeatedly she tried, but she couldn’t get to him. Tears ran down her cheeks as she fell to her knees at edge of the darkness. He turned to her and walked to the edge of the veil. 
“Why did you stop?” She didn’t look to him, but she said softly, 
“I cant save whats left of you. I cant get to you.” He extended his hand to her, and she reached for it. 
“Take my hand, drag me down. If you fall, then I will too.” She pleaded to him. Her hand slipped though the veil as if it were none existent, but before she could touch his skin, something pulled her away from it all.
She woke, gasping for air. She looked around her room, and saw that moonlight was still the only thing that filled her room. She placed her hand of the chilled glass of her window pane, opening it wide. She climbed out onto the window sill, holding onto the wall, and letting the frigid air sink into her clothes and bones. She looked down and saw the boy who roamed her mind, sitting on a bench beneath the tree closest to her. Her breathe caught when he looked up to where she was. Her weight shifted, and her feet disappeared from under her as she slipped on a patch of ice. She screamed as she caught onto the ledge, only for a second. This was enough time for Jakob to jump up and run under her out of instinct. He stretched out his arms to her as she crumbled into him, sending them both to the ground. 
“Oh my god!” she exclaimed. 
“Are you all right? I’m so sorry!” He stood up, pulling her up with him.
“Am I okay! Ask that to yourself! You just fell from a window! What were you trying to do? Kill yourself?” she took a step back from him and said 
“I was looking out over everything! I tend to do that often!” He frowned and told her,
“If your not careful, you’ll fall again, and next time, I wont be there to catch you!” For the few seconds she was quiet, he felt like he had gone back in time. He had heard these words before.  “I wont fall. Even if I did, its not like I wouldn’t be doing everyone a favor.” 
He froze at those last few words that she had said. She turned from him and climbed the stairs that led back to her dorm. Through the glass panels in the door, she looked back at him. He saw that she was crying. He watched as she turned her tear lined grey eyes away from him, and she walked quickly down the hall. 
“It cant be her.” He whispered quietly to himself. “This cant be Stella Remora.”
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lol Hope you like =D i'm loving all this xD Much love! *hugs for all*