An Eternal

Her Book

Jakob Brass walked into the dinning hall early the next morning. His first class started at seven. He picked an apple off of the fruit bar and grabbed a glass of apple juice. He took one sip, and found it flavorless and watered down. He poured it out and picked up a milk carton. He sat down and noticed Stella Remora sitting at a table by herself a few tables away. She was very focused in her work, scribbling away into a notebook. He thought about possibly sitting with her, but decided against it. It would only screw things up more. She looked up at him once she felt him watching her and he saw hurt form in her eyes. She stood and thrust her notebook into her bag and walked out of the room quickly, refusing to give him another glance. He watched as her notebook fell from her bag, and kicked away by people unaware of the books presence. Jakob stood and picked up the notebook, flipping through the pages. Every page was filled with writing, small sketches filled the margins, and notes accompanied them. Even from before the school year started, there were entries and drawings. The ones that truly interested him though, were the pictures of a boy with shoulder length hair. He looked at the date at the top of the page, and saw that this was drawn several months before they had entered the school. He read the passage that accompanied the drawing. 
“He is always covered by a dark veil. I can never break him out of that hell hole no matter how I try. Who this boy is, I’m not sure. Why I feel like I have to help him, again, I’m not sure. I have too.” He flipped through the pages to the last entry, and read them.
“He is here. I finally found the boy in my dreams. Is what I thought was just a dream real? Is it turning to a nightmare?” He closed the book and walked down the stairs into the basement where the class rooms were. It was still twenty minutes before class started, so if she went down here, she would have to wait in the hall. He heard music playing as he walked down the stairs. It was the soft playing of a piano. He looked around the corner and saw Stella standing next to it, while a boy sat and played softly. It was a song he knew, and she was singing it softly. 
“Can no body save us, will anyone try?” She sang the words to the song softly as he played. Jakob rounded the corner and Stella saw him. She said something to the boy playing the piano, and continued walking down the hall. 
“Stella!” Jakob called. She stopped and turned, glaring at him. 
“What do you want?” She snapped bitterly. This stung him slightly, for some odd reason, but she had a right to be cold. From all the things that he did to her, all the times he had upset her or embarrassed her, she could be mad at him if she wanted to be. 
“Stop avoiding me for a few seconds, and please just listen. You dropped your book in the dinning hall. I thought you might, possibly want it back.” Her eyes grew wide and she grabbed the book from his hands and said,
 “You didn’t read it did you?” He thought about his answer, and lied, “No. Why would I want to read your book?” She put the book into her backpack and said quietly, “Thank you.” 
“No problem.” 
She looked at him, and said, “Really. Thank you.” He nodded once and walked down the hall, without another word for her to hear.
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Kinda a filler, but still much loved =D love to you all! *hugs for everyone! smorgasbord of hugs* Comment please =D