An Eternal

The Reject

Jakob passed her in the hall as they switched to their next class. She smiled faintly and he watched her. He sat in his governments class, and watched as the teacher wrote the different branches of government on the board, and drew lines from each one. Jakob drowned out the monotone voice that came from the blading man in glasses, and let his thoughts wonder. He wondered why there were no windows in the room, then remembered all classes were in a basement. He thought about how cool it still would have been to see the dirt outside the building. Finally, he thought about Stella, and he wondered why she was here with him. He struggled to remember the day she first died, but bits and pieces seemed to be fogged out. The last bit he remembered, was her standing on top of the wall above the sea. So many years had gone by, that he only remembered before her death. He looked down to the leather band that covered his burn. It began to sting a little bit, but it stopped as he put it out of his mind. 
“Jakob, will you please write which branch of government creates the laws?” His attention snapped to the teacher and he stood, and wrote his answer on the board. 

He couldn’t be with her. He had to end any bond with him she might be trying to create. He would continue living, and she would grow old and die. He couldn’t live with growing attached, then losing her, or anyone. He couldn’t love anyone. He walked out of his class room and climbed the stairs that led outside. The sun was setting, and a blood red light lit up the sky. He walked down the path, passing a boy and a girl who were holding hands while sitting on a bench. The boy looked upset, and the girl was crying. He held onto her hands, and her shoulders hung loosely. He kissed her on the forehead, stood, and stuffed his hands into his coat pockets. He walked away from her, without looking back. 
Jakob walked up the stairs and he had his hand on the door knob of his building, when he heard his name. 
“Jakob?” He turned around to face her. She stood at the base of the stairs, wearing a purple wool coat, and a cute matching hat. Her cheeks were red from the cold, and this all made what he had to say so much harder. 
“I was just wondering if you would like to please come with me to get some coffee or something.” He walked down three or four steps, and looked at her with the coldest glare and scowl that he could muster. 
“Stella. I will never go anywhere with you. I don’t anything to do with you.” Her sad eyes now looked broken, if not completely shattered. 
“I was just...” 
“I don’t care what you were just hoping. I don’t want to hear you, see you, be reminded of your existence! Just get out of my sight!” without another word, she took a step away. He watched as another silver tear ran down her cheek. She turned and slowly walked across the street to her dorm where she leaned against the stair banister. Jakob went inside his dorm, opened the door to his room, and climbed into bed. 
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Hope your liken meh story =D much love and hugs smorgasbord! (best word ever) xD comment =D please xD