An Eternal

Seventeen Years Later

Jakob Brass sat on top of the staircase of the Montana ski lodge. He sat with his roommate Marcel. Marcel played his music over the speakers that he carried with him everywhere. Jakob liked Marcel’s taste in music, more so then the music at the dance where he had once turned Stella down. The screaming of the guitars and the singers seemed to sooth him. Marcel smiled as a van pulled up to the Ski lodge, and several girls climbed out, wearing coats and boots.
“I wonder if theres anyone there worth pursuing this time.” He asked himself more then Jakob. They watched as several squealed as the cold hit them, but one girl caught Jakob’s attention. She didn’t squeal like the others. She didn’t jump around and giggle, or laugh as boys passed them. She wasn’t blonde and tan like the other girls, but pale. Her dark brown hair flowed down her shoulders. She opened the trunk of the van, and pulled out an over stuffed suit case. It fell into the snow with a thud, and she caught Marcel’s attention. 
“She’s kinda cute. Shall we try her?” He asked his friend. Jakob watched the girl, and found her motions familiar. 
“Sure. At least she’s not blonde.” Marcel laughed at Jakob’s pessimistic response.
“Well, come on sunshine. We’ve got a girl to talk to.” They stood and Marcel pulled his small speakers into his pocket. Jakob thought about how far technology has come in his lifetime. They walked down the stairs to where the girl was attempting to drag her luggage into the ski lodge. Marcel put on his “Girl Getting” smile, and approached her. 
“Um, miss, do you need some help with that?” He asked her. Jakob had seen this move pulled many times. Marcel preyed on the vacationing girls quite often. He would make them fall for him, take them back to his room, and bang them, then they would be on their way. Every girls dream vacation that they can tell their friends.
“No thanks, I've got it.” This startled Jakob some. No girl has ever turned down Marcel. She looked up to them, and Jakob noticed her stormy grey eyes. He almost chocked on his own breathe when he saw her face. It was Stella Remora. Without a doubt, this was her. She was here again, and she was watching him. Marcel laughed at her refusal. 
“I’m Marcel Thompson, and this is my friend Jakob Brass. Do you need some help finding anything here? We’ve been here for a while. We pretty much know this place like the back of our hand.” She set her things down, and Jakob stuffed his hands into his pockets.
“Um, where can I get a room key, and find Dr. Conifer?” Marcel smiled and said, 
“You can get your key at the front desk, but I’m sure who this Conifer person is.”
“He’s the Physiologist who is giving a conference here this weekend.” Jakob broke in. “He’s using the office near the Program Directors office.” The girl smiled, and said,
“Thank you.” She stuck out her hand, and said, “I’m Stella Remora. It’s wonderful to meet you both.” She shook their hands, and Marcel asked, 
“So, are you here for this conference?” She nodded and said, “Yes. I hope to ask him a few questions, and see if he can help me.” Marcel crosses his arms and asked,
“What could a pretty girl like you need help with?”
“He specializes in Post Dramatic Trauma.” Jakob said quietly. Stella looked at him with shinning eyes, much different then that of the night of the dance so many years ago. Then they were coated with fear, hurt, and rejection. Now, they were covered in complete and utter destruction. Something had happened to her, that had sent her here. 
“Thats right.” 
Marcel looked from her, to Jakob, and smiled. It wasn’t every day a girl showed interest in his friend. He wanted to see how this played out. 
“So, Stella, Jakob and I are going to go skiing and snowboarding later, do you wanna come with us?” She smiled and said, 
“Sure. I’d like that.” Marcel flashed her another smile, and said, 
“Good. Here’s my number, send me a text so I’ll have yours. Jakob’s number is right under mine, so you’ll have both of us.” She nodded, and sent them both a text, and they saved her number in their phones. 
“One of us will text you the time later, I guess we’ll see you later Stella.” Marcel told her, giving her another smile, but she was fairly focused on Jakob. 
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well this one was long xD Hope you liked =D much love =D *hugs for all * comment please =D