An Eternal

Report on a Dead Guy

Marcel walked down the hall, his headphones playing music into his ears. His mind was fixated on the research paper that he was needing to write. He didn’t know anything on William Shakespeare. All he knew, was that he was some dead guy with a frilly collar. He didn’t even know what that thing was for. Was it a fashion statement, or was it like one of those cone things that people put on dogs to keep from chewing on themselves? He smiled as he envisioned it. He walked down that main hall that ran through the main building of the lodge, and looked down one of the sub halls. He stopped and back tracked as he saw Stella leaving a room, softly shutting the door behind her, and stuffing a notebook into her bag.
“Hey Stella!” he called out, walking over to her. She looked up and smiled as he approached and leaned against the wall.
“Hey Marcel.” she said, “Whats up?” He smiled and said, “Not much, I was just gonna grab some coffee and start working on this really annoying paper on some dead guy.” she smiled and asked, “Which dead guy would you be referring to?” Marcel quickly smiled as he concocted another plan to get this girl with his friend Jakob. “William Shakespeare. The dude with the frilly dog collar.” she laughed a little and said, “Well I know all about Shakespeare. If you want some help, I can tell you a few things.”
“Yeah that would be great! I’ll pay you in coffee.” She smiled and said, “I just may have to take you up on that offer.”
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TIIIIINY little filler chapter xD hope you like it anyway =) much love to all, comment please =D