Pleasure's All Mine This Time

Chapter 27

Brian’s silence wasn’t leaving Chloe a choice and she felt the anxiety slowly build up inside of her.

The way his hand soothed her back suddenly seemed foreign and suspicious, as if he was only trying to keep her around for as long as possible.

“Brian…” His name left her hesitant lips.

He once again shook his head and tightened his grip around Chloe’s body, refusing to reply.

She shut her eyes tightly. Chloe was as well, unwilling to deal with the painful situation but it was now or never, the clock was ticking while they were killing time.

“Silence is not the way!” She insisted and brought Brian’s face up to look at her, “We need to talk about it!” She begged him.

There was nothing that Brian could do, they both knew that they would have to eventually make the decision. The matter was that none of the options seemed to satisfy them as they didn’t want to break up.

“Gosh Chloe,” Brian groaned defensively, like he always did when she pushed painful buttons. “What do you want me to say? What can I do?” He asked helplessly.

“What can I possibly say? I-“ Brian stuttered and looked away, “You know how much I want you to join me but I can understand where your unwillingness is coming from!”

“I don’t belong there.” Chloe whispered to him.

“I know! I know…” Brian’s expression dropped. “But I feel like you and I belong together and you know that I can’t turn my back on the band and the fans…”

“Brian I would never ask you to leave everything behind for me, never.” She told him sincerely while caressing his cheek.

“I hate this Chloe!” Brian confessed, referring to the situation they were trapped in. “We don’t have many choices, do we?”

“No.” Chloe mouthed sadly while running her fingers through Brian’s sleek black hair.

“You must go on tour. You must perform and create music, that’s what your destined to, Brian! Making people happy!” Chloe told him,

Brian smacked his lips together and slowly nodded while reflecting the thoughts in his mind, “What about my happiness, huh? What about my personal life? I need you Chloe.” He stared deeply into her soul, making her heart race.

“I don’t know.” She whispered the answer sincerely.

“Is seems as if,” Chloe sighed, “There’s no place or time for us.” She spoke the awful truth.

“Don’t say that!” Brian claimed.

“Is it selfish of me? Not to come with you?” Chloe questioned. “Be honest Brian.”

He pondered for a moment and then pulled her closer to his strong form, “Is that what you think that’s going through my mind?” He asked.

“Just answer me Brian.” It was crucial he answer.

“No, I don’t think you’re being egoistic.” Brian pulled on the tip of his pointed nose. “You know what you deserve and you’re fighting for your freedom.” He went on, “It’s quite admirable, I must day.”

Brian’s words melted her heart and only strengthened her assumption that he was the right one for her.

“You know that it’s not the only obstacle we’ll have to overcome.” Chloe said slowly and quite guiltily.

He frowned, “Where are you getting at?”

Chloe bit her plump lip, she could not postpone this anymore. “America’s not my home, Brian.” She didn’t make eye contact with him.

“And?” Brian asked blankly, not displaying any emotion.

Chloe buried her face in her delicate hands, wishing that the earth would open up and swallow her.

“And I’ll have to return to Norway at some point.” She whispered, shivers running down her spine.

She had no idea what Brian was thinking but all of the sudden he stood up and Chloe found herself on the floor. She opened her eyes, shocked, and looked up at Brian.

He looked completely pissed.

“So you’re basically saying that we should end it now, while it’s still convenient?!” Brian growled.

“No-Bri-“ She stuttered while lifting herself off of the rug.

“Because we have an expiration date?! That’s what you’re implying?” He was yelling at her by now and Chloe was stricken with pure fear.

“No! I’m saying that some things are just inevitable! We can expect everything to be perfect!” She stood her ground, facing Brian.

“Inevitable?! Brian mocked her, completely taken aback, “Are you even listening to yourself?!” He exclaimed, his raised his voice way above average.

Chloe felt completely helpless and accused of something she had no control over, destiny.

“Were you messing with me up there?!” Brian pointed his finger to the celling, “Did you fucking lie to my face?!” Brian’s voice was full of rage.

“What?! How dare you Brian?! Of course I meant every word I said!” Chloe gasped.

“You don’t care one bit, do you?” He shook his head and smirked, laughing to himself.

“Brian you are completely insufferable!” She snapped charges at him. “How dare you say I wasn’t true?! You have my heart Brian and I’m wide open and you’re killing me right now!” Chloe’s voice cracked.

“Yeah, go ahead, cry!” Brian scorned.

Chloe felt hurt and betrayed, “What the fuck is going on!?” She yelled her thoughts out loud. “Why the hell are we fighting!?” She panicked.

“Because I love you and you’re breaking up with me!” Brian replied bitterly, as if it was nothing special.

“Is that what you think?” Chloe vision became blurry with the tears she was holding back, “That I’m letting us go?”

“Some things are inevitable.” He mimicked her.

Chloe clenched her fists and marched towards him, roughly turning him around to face her. “You listen to me, Brian.” She spoke.

“Never once have I said that I don’t want to be with you! You will stop acting like a completely emotionless idiot, do you understand!?” She hit his chest with her fist.

Brian ran a hand down his face and took a deep breath. His body relaxed as he exhaled and his hand found the small of Chloe's back.

Chloe slowly stumbled towards him and rested her head on his broad chest. She felt Brian lay his chin on the crown of her head. “I hate it when you close off like that.” She mumbled.

“I hate it when you get mean.” Brian replied.

Chloe sighed, they came back to the exact point where they had started,

“Angel, We’ll manage.” She heard Brian softly whisper in her ear and then kiss her cheek.

“We will do our best, right?” Chloe mumbled hopefully while tracing his abs with her fingertips.
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A bit short, I know! I just couldn't keep you guys in the dark!

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