A World Without You

Chapter 1-

(Twiggy's POV):

Emeril went back home to Mars. Marilyn told me that I should be mad at him, not Emeril. I cant be mad im just sad Emeril left without saying goodbye.

I am back home with Sadie, my beloved white cat. Just waiting for the year to end. I havent felt this lonely since Marilyn and I moved on back in 2002. Its probably for the best.


(Emeril's POV):

Twiggy was probably like your first love in high school, you had that one dance with the popular girl, now its over.

Lately Ive been really sick. Ive been vomitting since I got home. I think I must see a doctor and quick! Is that BLOOD????
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Emeril is an alien or martian, so its normal to spit up blood if he is expecting.