Status: One Shot

This Is for You

This Is For You...

This is for the boy who dropped out of school because he was being called "emo" and "gay" because of the way he dressed and acted.

This is for the girl who gets called a slut everyday because she's pregnant, though only her older brother knows that it was because she was raped.

This is for the girl who eventually killed herself because no one would leave her alone about her weight, not even her own mother.

This is for the boy who is dubbed a slacker because he's always stuck doing his homework in study hall because he was up all night watching over his younger siblings while his father was drunk again because their mom left them.

This is for the little girl who watched her mother get beat by her stepfather.

This is for the boy who was killed by some bullies at his school because he came out that he was gay.

This is for the mother who's only son left this world at a young age of four because he got cancer.

This is for the father who's baby girl was taken away by his ex-wife because he made one mistake.

This is for the children in foster homes who believe that they were left behind because they weren't good enough.

This is for the people who hurt themselves just to feel alive.

For the people who try their hardest to express themselves through art or writing.

For the people feel that there is no hope for them left in this world.

For the people who got their hearts ripped out and stomped on without a single thought.

For the people who hide behind masks because they feel that no one would except them for who they really are.

For the people who go great distances just make themselves "fit in" with society as the media leads us to believe what is right and wrong.

This is for you.

I love you all. I honestly do. We all need to feel loved in some way, no matter what we look like, what we act like, or what we do. We are all different, and that is meant to be celebrated, not looked down upon. So please, join hands with me and we can take the first step of making our world a better place: Acceptance.
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