Status: Done =)

The Life and Times of A Chili Peppers Addict

Under The Bridge


I'm so sorry for leaving without a real goodbye, but I had to leave. If I didn't, I'm afraid I would have lost the nerve and stayed. I wouldn't have finished what I set out to do. Thank you so much for your kindness, not many people would have treated a runaway like me, the way you did. I wish there were more people out there like you. Bye, and if your ever in Cali, look me up.



I folded up the note and stuck it inside the fridge on Curt's orange juice, along with the rest of the money that I owed him. It was three in the morning, and Curt lay asleep on the garage couch, in some weird position with one of his feet hanging over the top.

"Weird-o." I muttered smiling at him. I walked outside to my baby and opened the door, climbing in. I took my sunglasses off and set them in their cup holder resting place, and turned on the stereo. Under The Bridge played as I pulled out of the garage parking lot. I looked behind me in the mirror, and kicked myself when I found a few tears were escaping my control. I pulled onto the highway, and stepped on the gas. I always had a lead foot when I drove. I smiled as I hit 100 MPH, and felt better when I hit 110, and held it. I will get to California if it killed me.


Curt's Point of View

I woke up to the normal dry heat of Phoenix, and rolled over in my bed, only to find it wasn't my bed, but a couch, and I fell off, landing on the floor. It kinda hurt. I stood up, and noticed it was really quiet. Very empty. Dani's car was gone.

Well, maybe she went out for breakfast or something. She wouldn't just leave would she? I thought to myself. I walked over to the fridge and opened it up for my orange juice, and I found her note. I read it and looked at the money.

"God damn it." I muttered. I sat back down on the couch, and leaned back. I just kinda drifted into a daze for I don't know how long, and was brought out of it, when Austin walked in, kicking an empty oil can.

"Yo man, what's up? We were supposed to all meet up at the Silver Dragon." I looked up and muttered,

"Um, yeah, let me just get my stuff." Austin looked around and asked, "Where did Dani go? Do you wanna bring her too?"

"She left man, she's probably in Cali already." I stood and grabbed my sunglasses and walked out to Austin's car, looking back at him. He was still in the shop, unmoving.

"You coming?"


Dani's Point Of View

I was finally here. I had mad it to Cali. Los Angelus to be exact. I rented a room in a kinda slummy apartment complex, and went out to see my new city. It was nice, beautiful, with palm trees everywhere, and so many tan people, but Phoenix was still on my mind. I drove through the streets, and then something caught my eye. A flashing sign, one that read,

"Red Hot Chili Peppers"

Live tonight!

I knew where I was going to be tonight.


Curt's Point of View

"Dude, your like depressing up the whole room! Either get happy, or get out!" Levi said, smacking me over the head.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just thinking."

"About Dani, am I right?" Matthew asked. I looked over to him, and before I could say anything else, he said, "Dude, just go find her. You have never been that happy, and for GOD sake, dump that bitch Amanda! Holy shit! I don't know how you can put up with her!" I smiled and said,

"I don't even know what part of California she's in." Austin smiled and said,

"Oh I can make a good guess." He held up a concert poster and I stood, grabbing Austin's keys, and driving back to the garage. I grabbed a road map, my phone, and hopped into the El Camino.

As I backed out of the garage, Amanda pulled in.

"Hey, where are you going? I thought we were gonna have lunch today?"

"Um, Amanda, I'm sorry, but we cant be together anymore, Its just not working, bye!"

I backed out, and hit the highway. I had a LOT of ground to cover before tonight.
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Woo Hoo! Tell me what you think =D *much love! hugs to all!* COMMENT! please =)