Heroes Have the Right to Bleed

Heroes Have The Right To Bleed

note : I wrote this as part of the Keep the Faith project here on mibba, for me, it gets the point across. I don't know for you guys but I want you to just read it and tell me what you think of it

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A hero doesn't need superpowers to be one!

Everyone has heard of this sentence for sure. But even if you haven't, you know this to be true. Every single person on this planet has a hero. Someone they admire, look up to. Heroes surround us even better than Dolby System's.

They are here to enlighten us, show us what they think needs to be changed. They give hope through, sometimes something small but sometimes something that can go international. But size doesn't matter does it? Its the effect that goes through people when they hear, see or feel it. Heroes give us something to believe in, something to fight for when its being destroyed by others, without asking something in return. they are saviours and, sometimes, martyrs; they are inspiring and through that they save you, either from boredom or from a life you don’t want for yourself.

“Just to know that it's okay to be messed up, ‘cause there’s five dudes that are just as messed as you are. And we've overcome that in order to do what we do.”
~Gerard Way

A hero. Its something everyone can be if they put their mind on it. Some of them get their point through to people and are praised for it by some and laughed out by others. Others keep their message to themselves, trying to pass it on to the people around them and hoping that it could change the world, even if its not out in the wider public.

To me, my heroes are 5 men, just ordinary men coming from a small town in New Jersey. They didn't have all the richness and money like the celebrities now do, their parents weren't rich. Just, normal guys. But these guys, even though they were messed up when they were teenagers, realized that they wanted to get a message across. They wanted to let people know what they were thinking about the world at that moment.

Now, just after 9/11 happened, a time where a lot of people lost hope. These 5 guys started a band. They started in basements, playing for people who didn't even know them and probably didn't even care, they were just another band that was trying to make it. But in that crowd, there was always someone who actually listened to the lyrics and music and finding a message in it. Finding hope in it and knowing that this band would someday make it. Or not, that was for fate to decide.

They took the name 'My Chemical Romance' and started to tour in a little van around America, getting their own shows and slowly building up a fanbase that would soon grow so big that they would even tour Europe. Now this is something these 5 guys never dreamt of. They didn't care about the richness, the fame, the girls. All they cared about was getting their message across and their fans. As Frank Iero once said, and I quote

"I can't imagine any other bands having better kids than ours, and if they do at least I know our kids can beat up their kids."
~Frank Iero

My Chemical Romance is proud of their fans. Its not a secret. Each one of them loves them to death. These are the people who support them, who let them know that they're also messed up but turned out to be okay after listening to them. The fans are the people who make sure that their message goes out to the people that don't listen to their music. And they are the reason why the band is still doing what they do best.

But sometimes, we forget that, these guys, they're just human. They make mistakes in their lives, they have scars and faults. They aren't perfect, nobody is perfect. Yet, while they are still humans, we judge them. Aren't they allowed to make mistakes just like us? We might not always agree with the choices they make, with the things they do in their life, afraid that it will destroy them. But should we loose our faith in them for that?

Rumours float around the internet all the time. Its not such a big surprise but sometimes, they get out of hand. They can be fun to read sometimes, but anger you at the same time. If you know that Gerard has been sober for the past 3 years and not planning on ever going back to that part of his life, why are there rumours floating around he is. Is it because of his choice to marry someone after only being together with her for a couple of months? Or is it because he's been acting different than he did a year ago. To me he's still the same person, someone with a past that he overcome and turned it over so his fans could learn from it. Yet, people judge him for it. His stage antics with Frank are just spur of the moment, just like the things he says on stage between songs. He wants the show to be a haven for messed up kids, to heal.

”It's important to me, to us, that our audience knows that they don't have to act in that stupid way that some rock bands want them to.”
~Gerard Way

And that is where they make a difference. My Chemical Romance always thinks about the well-being of their fans first. As Gerard sometimes says before or after a song “If you have seen any one that has fell on the ground I want you to stop what ever you are doing and pick them up!” He wants the fans to think about each other and the fact that they're not alone with their problems. But rumours, fights, discussions and disagreements are ripping apart this fandom.

Can't we do something about that? We can, but for that, we need to believe first. And keep our faith in these 5 guys who are teaching us that we should carry on even though someone we loved very much has passed away. Life is a beautiful thing and we should enjoy every minute of it. The world can be a beautiful place, but we need to work together to make it so.

The main thing that causes discussion is the difference of genre between “Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge” and “I Brought You My Bullets You Brought Me Your Love” against “The Black Parade” but its not because the sound's different that the message is. Or is it? Do the lyrics change meaning when they have a different sound behind them? No they don't. The first two records are about death, and how we should celebrate it, yes, the sound is different from their latest record, but a band can change can't they? Deep inside, they are still that little band from New Jersey with their own genre, not fitting in the category of 'emo', 'pop', 'rock' who just want to get their message out to the people who are just as messed up as they are.

They are My Chemical Romance, and they are my heroes. And I will always remember the fact that..

Heroes have the right to bleed
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